posted 7 years ago with 791 notes

#339.5 - Barboach live along the bottoms of murky ponds, where they bury into the muddy bottom, leaving only their whiskers exposes as they wait for prey to come along. These whiskers function as extremely sensitive radar and will detect anything that swims nearby. This sense grows increasingly more powerful with age, until fully mature Whiscash can detect earthquakes before they happen. Maturing Barboach, known as Catswish, also begin to unleash the power to create quake-like tremors, which grow in intensity the Pokemon evolves. Though they often look happy, Catswish become territorial with age, and will thrash about, causing tremors, until intruders either leave their territory or become prey.

Named: Barboach - Catswish - Whiscash

[Old Version]

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posted 16 Apr 2017 @ 14:00
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