Issue 4 - Fierce Truths Magazine

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Real. Raw. Awake.




Sensuality Power Rebirth Transformation Expansion

Deva Wild

Embodied Sensuality


“To live your truth fiercely is the greatest gift you can give yourself�

Welcome! from our fierce founder

fill your cup every time. Its amazing how quickly life can begin to transform once we beginning making those little changes our heart is calling for! In this issue will also introduce you to three inspiring women that are making a tremendous difference in the world with charity causes they have founded themselves. They simply saw a problem they wanted to fix or contribute to, and then went ahead and did just that.


MAKEUP - Zoe Karabatos @zoekmua

They certainly inspire me to be a better human!

elcome to issue 4 of Fierce Truths Magazine! With the energy of Scorpio overshadowing this issue, you’ll be taken on a journey of personal transformation, sensuality, and expanding universal consciousness. This will prompt you to focus on your inward journey and manifesting all you were born to be. You’ll be taken on a journey to awaken your third eye, which we hope, will give your own intuitive abilities a kickstart. But warning, and you may never see the world in the same light again! Plus, receive some really great tips on deepening lifesoul balance by creating a daily soul practice that will

Then for a bit of spice, dive into this issues Gifted Goddess interview with Deva Wild and receive permission to become the full embodied sensual goddess you already are. We just loved her sexy energy! Then when you are ready to dive in a little deeper into your own soul growth. You can unlock your own purpose and get clear about the magic you are meant to bring to the world by diving into our Passion. Purpose. Pathway online course. Our intent with every issue of Fierce Truths Magazine is to deliver you spiritual- self-development-in-a-box. Hoping that one or more of our articles will be that missing piece you need to remember how extraordinary you are and how incredible your life can be. This month, as with every issue, is set to deepen your inner world and help you remember how incredible you already are. Are you ready for your own personal journey of discovery? I hope so. So when you are ready, go pour your favourite drink, get comfy and dive in.

With fierce love,

Kim Bleeze Founder and CEO

@fiercetruthsmagazine @fiercetruthsmagazine

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Contents 3 Fierce Truths Magazine

Letter from Founder Meet our founder Kim Bleeze



Azurite Our crystal of the month

Contents Check out what’s in our issue!



Our Fierce Experts Who are our fierce experts?

Editing Team Meet our editing team



Fierce Fitness Health and fitness

Daily Soul Practice Honour your self



Radical Thinking Re-think your way into joyous living

Divine Feminine Embodiment Embrace your sensuality



Earth Whisper Words of wisdom from the Earth

Our Gifted Goddess Meet Deva Wild



Sacred Tree Ritual Meet your sacred tree

Shamanic Water Ritual 19 The ritual of water


Empowered Healing Transform yourself

The Relationship Quandary 21 A conscious relationship series


The L-Plate Witch Witchy wanderings

Giving Hearts 29 Change through charity


Horrorscopes and Stars What do your stars say?

Expanding Awareness 31 For a conscious mind


You Are Invited Are we looking for you?

Awaken Your Third Eye 33 Your unlimited potential

The Editing Team Creative Director and Writer

Communications Manager and Editor

Kim Bleeze Scott Grasso


Graphic Designer

Elizabeth Vigar

Andrew Karabatos

Thank You! To our Editing Team and our Fierce Experts for all their hard work!

Fierce Truths Magazine


Honouring Our Self Through Daily Soul Practice by Kim Bleeze There is something deeply sacred about committing time and space each day to nourish ourselves, and to take the time out to give back to our body, our mind and our soul. This deep honouring is a soul practice and can be crucial in keeping our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual cups full. Life can be depleting, so in order to retain healthy balance, we need to nurture and give ourselves the time we deser ve as an act of self-love. Then, of course, there are other benefits to keeping a daily soul practice such as enhancing our intuition and trust with our self and the universe. The more we do all of that, the closer we step towards personal authenticit y and showing up for ourselves in a way that we deser ve. When we are disallowing the opportunit y for that to happen, we are in fact not allowing room for our soul to integrate more into our physical life. So instead of immersing ourselves more into the power of our greater and higher-self and soul, we keep ourselves almost separate instead. This shows up in our life without our even realizing it. Of ten it manifests as a lack of flow in your life. To name just a few, you’ll recognise it as feelings of being unhappy, in a state of lack or a general negative mindset. Essentially all of those times when you feel life isn’t working out for you, which I’m sure most of us have experienced in our life in shape or form.

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Well, if you are experiencing any of the above or similar, it may mean that you out of sync with the natural flow of life. And keeping a daily soul practice is a great way to reinstate it, as well as to help release any stagnate energ y and/or emotions you’ve been holding onto. Life is so crazy at times, right? We can of ten have the potential to experience feelings of being over whelmed, with fear, anxiet y and a tonne of other lower vibrational emotions and states. That can have a crippling ef fect on our mindset. A daily soul practice is the perfect way to balance ourselves. So knowing this, it is our individual responsibilit y to counteract the crap life throws at us by retaining a strong sense of self-awareness and grounded connection to ourselves, as well as a deeper connection to our soul.

Discovering your best practices There are so many things you could probably choose to incorporate into your soul practice. Meditation, yoga, walking, reading, dancing, singing, drumming… the list could be endless. Choose activities that really make your heart feel good and your energ y light up. THAT is the key to nurturing yourself through soul practice. Just do things you love and that make you feel good for at least 30 minutes a day. Simple right? And it doesn’t have to be the same soul practice ever y day. Of ten what we need to feel nourished can change as much as our moods do. So be flexible and check in with yourself daily to see how you can best give to yourself. Because it is about choosing something that is in alignment with your energ y each and ever y day by asking yourself the following questions:

“How do I feel? ” “ What do I need? ” “ What will nourish me and my soul today? ” “ What do I need to feel fulfilled? ” Your heart, your mind, and your soul will thank you for it.

IMAGE © Coka/ Adobe Stock

This can get you started


Make a list! Get creative and write a list all the things you like and love to do, that make you feel amazing and emotionally full. This will be your go-to list!



Make the time! Create space in your calendar for your daily soul practice. I would suggest a minimum of 30 minutes a day, and it is okay to be flexible.


Make it work! What needs to happen in order to keep on track with your daily soul practice? Do some things in your life need to change to free up time?

Make a start! Your soul practice doesn’t have to look perfect, so stop waiting for it to be. The best practice for any routine you are tr ying to establish… is to JUST DO IT.

Happy soul practice! Fierce Truths Magazine


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IMAGE © Forewer / Adobe Stock

Introduction Into


Divine Feminine Embodiment

by Deva Wild

I wish to take you on a journey, one of self awareness and curiosity. One that invites you deep inside your body for reflection, one that may even activate and awaken your senses. All you need is an open mind and heart. Allow me to plant a seed that over your life may blossom and bloom, as your sacred self rises. I wish to share a little about myself and a few profound tools I have gathered over the years.

Do you wish to walk with me? Keep Reading. My name is Deva Wild. I’m a passionate and fierce advocate for feminine empowerment. I take women on nourishing soul journeys of reclaiming their power and wild self. Through delving deep into past wounds, fears, blockages and pains that have been held within the body, I offer embodiment and somatic practices which invite old traumas to be transformed into power. Once we feel what we are holding within, we heal. One of the main forms of suffering within the feminine is disconnection from self, where the impact of life can create the absence of love, self love. A time has come where we stop outsourcing our power. In relationship, jobs, friends or family and we look within. Yes, that is where you find yourself. Go within and feel. If your feminine energy is suppressed, within your expression this can shut down your life force, your power and most of all your PLEASURE. You stop being turned on by the essence of life itself, as you cannot feel yourself. I would love to invite more devotion, aliveness and juicyness to begin flowing through you. Maybe through these words, as a sacred transmission. Activating your sensory body, can you invite your body to soften and surrender right now? Allowing time to dissolve as you rest back into your seat and melt into the erotic eros of life, for a few moments?

Notice if your body relaxes into this invitation or does it contract? Returning back into the feminine energy takes time and patience. Women over the years have been masculinised, directed more to logic and doing. The feminine is your feeling body, your emotions, the way in which you sway and move your hips and lick your juicy lips. How you lean back into life and be taken, receptive to the currents and flow. Reclaiming your feminine starts with coming back home to your body, becoming aware of your needs and desires, and acknowledging them with love. We are at a time on earth where playing small is no longer an option, suppressing your voices, your sensual energy and your hearts, which can no longer be tamed. It’s time to connect back to the cycles of life. Within the cyclical nature of winter, spring, summer and autumn, and within the moon cycles and your menstrual cycle. By honouring and celebrating these cycles, you awaken and remember who you are at your core essence. Oh, this invites shivers through my body and I hope it does yours. That knowing deep within you, a calling. It can feel scary when we walk this path. I say welcome it. If I could offer one golden gem to you today, I would say don’t hold your tongue, your sacred sound, your expression. Your throat needs to be opened, we need to hear your heart through your words and language. Your throat is linked directly to your pussy; yes, your pleasure, your sensuality, your spark of life. Yet this has been shamed and still is a taboo area to many. What I feel is missing from loving and owning all of a woman’s body is innocence and purity. How we have forgotten the art of a woman, the divinity and how juicy you can be when you are turned on by life. The curiosity

of exploring your own body, your curves, dimples and textures. Like a child, getting to know how this temple body works and what she likes and needs. Where has that gone? Yes, the mind can lead us away.

I call you back into your body. To place your hands on your sacred skin and breathe, nice and soft, allowing the breath to fall from your lips, over and over again. Maybe a little sound can join you on your exhale? Stay here for a while and let your body speak. This is how we begin the journey home back into the divine feminine, embodied and empowered. If you wish to be guided deeper or you feel curious, please connect and let us journey deeper Into you.

Meet Deva

Deva is an embodiment coach who guides you into the depth of your mind, body and soul. She stirs and awakens your inner magik, power and confidence. She has an ability to feel, sense and tune into your body through energy and intuition to guide you deeper into self-mastery, freedom and aliveness. Fierce Truths Magazine



Deva Wild

Our gifted goddess by Kim Bleeze

We all have an inner light to shine. One that has the potential to create a positive impact on our little version of the world. Yet, we often may find ourselves shying away from that truthful part of ourselves. Choosing instead, to remain hidden and only dreaming about our dreams rather than daring to make them come true. Then there are those fierce women in the world who understanding their worth, their drive, their passion and see it as a non-negotiable. Taking a leap of faith with both feet first and going after what calls to their heart, instead of allowing their fear to be in the driver’s seat. It will be those women whose inner light shines naturally brighter and for no more a reason than choosing to know courage and own their fierce truth. They dare to follow their dreams and in doing so, become a beacon of hope and inspiration for others whom they touch along the way. These are our Gifted Goddesses. Women just like you and me who dared to follow their calling and leap with both feet, intuitively following their souls’ path and saying yes to where their intuition guides them. These women not only live with passion and purpose, they use it to create a massive impact too. I trust you will be as inspired by their stories as we are and for this month’s issue, let us introduce you to Deva Wild. Deva is an embodiment coach most known for her Sacred Dance Ceremonies, Mystery School teachings, Magik Moon Rituals, Kundalini Yoga Online community and private Mentoring. Here is what she had to say.

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IMAGES Š Deva Wild personal collection

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IMAGES Š Deva Wild personal collection

KIM: Who is Deva Wild? Tell me a little bit about who she is? Deva: Yes, thank you, thank you so much for actually asking this question. Because when I woke up this morning, and having the shift of my names recently and the evolution of it, I was like: “Oh I feel different in my skin, who are you?” Deva Wild is an energy that has come into my womb over the last few years that I have chosen to embody, to be able to radiate and transmit to women the power of reclaiming who you are in your core essence. I am a woman that offers permission and acceptance and deep, deep, love for all parts of you to exist. To come online. To come alive and to radiate to the world what you can be. To embody your fullness, your light and your dark. You have so many gifts for this earth for this world. So I, Deva Wild, is a woman that offers you full permission.

KIM: What lights you up about life? Deva: What lights me up? Do you know what? That’s a beautiful question because I speak a lot in my programs about making love to life. Like seeing everything, seeing the pleasure in everything. So for me, the biggest thing that lights me up is nature. The elements. Connecting to the earth. Connecting to the heavens. That all lights me up, and also community. A sense of tribe is massive for my call, for my liberation. I was speaking to my partner about this as well yesterday; that we’ve kind of lost the sense of community and tribe. We’ve lost the connection to community and drive and that’s where we grow the most. Where we see ourselves. So what lights me up is bringing people back into those connective spaces where we are being witnessed. Where we’re being seen, where we can feel ourselves, where we can see parts of ourselves, where we want to hide. And letting our tribe, like, bring us back to life: “Yes, let us love you in those places that you feel small. In those places that you try and hide”. And it’s only when we’re in those spaces with other people that we get to see them, because it’s safe when you’re on your own.

KIM: I really love that, especially as someone who is traditionally a hermit. It puts a beautiful language around being with tribe and amongst people. Deva: Yeah, there’s only so much that we can grow on our own. We can go and do

the inner work and we can see ourselves and it’s absolutely beautiful. We do need that. But we also need the balance of doing the work on your own, to go deep inside and be a hermit because it’s beautiful. You get to really switch off from the external and be with your temple body, and feel yourself, and get to know yourself, and build a beautiful relationship with yourself. And it’s incredible. I did it for years and years. I travelled the world, I lived on my own. Now I’m doing it in another sense with community, and seeing the parts of myself that I wouldn’t have seen on my own. Those that were in the shadows, that can only be highlighted when you’re living in community spaces.

KIM: What lights you up about yourself? Deva: I love the sensuality that oozes from my body. I love the way that I connect with myself. How I’m constantly touching and feeling myself. That lights me up. Also, the way in which I can feel other people. I love the fact that I can feel where people are and what emotions they’re going through. That I can read their energetic blueprint and just love people. One of my biggest gifts is the way that I love.

KIM: You teach women to embody themselves. What started this journey for you? Deva: Yes, well I lost myself. I fully abandoned myself and I was in a really traumatic relationship from the age of 14 to 24 and I just checked out. I disassociated from my body. I merged into being the same as my partner and I lost myself. When that relationship ended, I was like: “Who am? What do I like? What do I want to do? What career?”. I just felt like the world was a blank canvas, and that I could create it and paint a new life for myself. I got curious. I got really curious about life, about myself, and the possibilities through having such trauma from such a young age. It supported me in my growth.

KIM: What do you believe is important about the work that you do? Deva: I feel the work that I do, and work that I offer is about reclaiming your wildness. It’s about awakening your power and your sensuality and embodying that. It’s offering freedom for women, an acceptance of who they are. It brings women back home into their

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bodies, which means that you’re living again. When you’re not inside your body, you’re going around with a mask on and you’re not having a felt experience of life. You’re disconnected from yourself and all things. So the most important part of my life is bringing you back to life.

KIM: What is your vision for the work that you do? Deva: I have many, many, pieces and parts of that vision. One part is I want to connect women from around the world together. To realize that you’re not alone doing this work. It is a hard path to walk and we need courage, and we need our sisters to walk with us. So my vision is to connect women globally to support one another; and so yes, definitely reaching people far and wide. I have a vision of having eight hundred acres of land, so that I can build community centres and feeling hubs for people to come and retreat. We have those spaces in life where it just gets too much, and we need to come back to ourselves and just close off from the world. So that we can again come back to our power and feel nourished, feel rejuvenated. I want to hold spaces where people can come into that magic. So I want to create that. Healing temple spaces where people come and return home into themselves again. Where you’re nourished, where you have that felt experience of who you are. You feel empowered.

KIM: What advice would you give to women that are reading this, who may feel disconnected from themselves? Deva: Be patient and don’t try to rush being where you are. Because where you are right now is perfect, and it’s material for your liberation. We need to feel every single part of where we are and I’ve been there, disconnected, lost, frightened and fearful. I’ve had this grasp of “I need to be someone else” or “I need to be somewhere else” and you don’t need to. Be exactly where you are right now, being patient, loving and kind to yourself. Begin with a first step of holding and loving yourself, and telling yourself that it’s okay to be where you are. Start listening to those inner whispers. That is the first step.

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KIM: So we’ve spoken a little bit about what embodiment is so let’s flip that for a moment. There might be a woman that’s reading this who might not understand where she is on the spectrum of embodiment. So what does not being embodied look like? Deva: So for me it’s like you’re checked out of life. You’re not having a felt, sensory experience of yourself. So there’s not much pleasure in your life. You’re just going through the ABC’s of life and it feels like a chore. It feels like a job and your energy is very low, you’re drained a lot. And you know, like in women you can see that they have a vacant look in their eyes. There’s no spark, there’s no glow because they’ve checked out. That can be for many different reasons but you will know. Is there a sense of aliveness inside of you? Are you happy? You’ll know. The biggest key for me is sexual energy. Are you connecting sexually to yourself?

Deva: Eros and aliveness and pleasure can be… I think we have conditionings on it. That it should be shameful, and it should be shut down. So many people don’t have that connection. It’s like for me getting ready this morning, just curling my hair, it was the pleasure. Of feeling my own hair and taking that time to honour myself and then putting my feather earrings in. It’s feeling the aliveness and the joy. Yes, we can get pleasure from our sexual energy, but pleasure is in every single thing in life if we if we allow awareness and presence to be there. It’s connecting to yourself having a drink of water and feeling the water trickling down your throat. It can be sexual sensual energy, it can be pleasure. It can be the innocence of a child. How does this feel, what is this curiosity? It’s bringing that energy back to life and it doesn’t always have to be in a sexual and sensual way. It’s life force energy, it’s eros, it’s being connected to your senses.

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IMAGES © Deva Wild personal collection

KIM: That was going to be my next question. We got you write an article that also appears in this issue. You talk about embodiment and you speak of the importance of being connected to our ourselves sensually. To be juicy with ourselves and just really embracing that power within ourselves as women. How important do you feel that sexual energy is to a woman, and to really embody it?


So a woman who is disconnected from her senses isn’t living like it’s her birthright to have that energy flowing through her freely. We’ve shut it down, so this is how we bring it back to life. It’s looking at the little things that we can do. Like waking up in the morning, taking a yawn and a stretch, and feeling your beautiful body. Whatever body you’ve been gifted with, it’s a temple to walk this earth. It’s something to be honoured and cherished. And it first has to be honoured and cherished by you.

KIM: Deva, I know you really walk your talk as an embodied woman. What would your standard day look like for you, when you are truly standing in the power of embodiment? Deva: Yes, thank you, thank you for asking that. So for me, I don’t set an alarm clock in the morning. I wake up to my own natural rhythms and cycles, and this is something that I’ve done over the years. I wake up with the sun. So first of all, the sun comes in through the window and my body begins to stir. I never rush myself out of bed. Those first moments in the morning set your entire day. For me, it’s always waking up nicely and slowly. I always place my hands on my body and say good morning to myself. I ask myself “How are you feeling today?”. Then I’m really tuning into my body and listening. For me, the first thing in the morning is about connection. So I connect with myself and my body first and I’m curiously asking: “What do you need?”, “How do you feel?”. I used to be a very disciplined woman with the yoga work that I did. Now I choose devotion over discipline. So I devote to myself.

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Every morning it’s something different. The feminine essence is the fluidity, the flow, the deep surrender, the being able to receive. So every morning when I’m tuning in, I ask my body: “What do you need today? What would you what? What would light you up the most?” Some mornings it’s prayer, other mornings it’s yoga, meditation, or stillness or don’t do anything but get yourself a cup of tea and go look out of your window at the land. So I tune into my body and I ask “what would best support you this morning?” And I let her decide and not from the mind, but from the body. “What would serve me?” And then I get up and I do that practice and my day then goes into having my breakfast and I nourish myself with food. I say to my partner: “If I’m not making noises when I’m eating, I’m not going to eat that food again.” I want to be fuelled with nourishment, and life force is in the food that you eat. I start with my food, and then I walk into my temple space. I adorn myself with oils, with clothes, with beautiful jewellery like I’m a queen. Everything is a ritual; you’re preparing the energy that you’re going to radiate out into your day and it’s remembering that. You are the designer of your life, so you have a choice in every moment. Then I start my day with my clients. I never have a client or an interview until 11 o’clock so that the mornings are mine. All mine for nourishment, for embodiment practices, for feeling. It’s about pleasure and enjoyment, what serves your soul, which serves your life. It’s that devotion to self that lights me up and I feel nourished. When I don’t do that practice, I start feeling undernourished and I start

looking externally for other people to fill me up, because I’ve left me. When I’m coming from a place of fullness my partner feels it, my friends feel it, my family feels it. I don’t have that needy energy of searching outside of myself, because my inner temple is fuelled, it’s nourished. I’ve given that time and space to me and that allows me to feel embodied. And to also build the awareness of when something’s off. I’ve probably left myself.

KIM: Okay, last question: Is there anything else that you feel a woman reading this really needs to know about herself, that she may not know now? Deva: You are perfect and that you are beautiful exactly as you are. There’s nothing that you need to change about yourself. You need to open up, listen to yourself, and honour yourself. You are already perfect, so please don’t search for “How can I be fixed?” Or think “What’s wrong with me?” or “How can I be something or somebody else?” You are here on earth with the perfect medicine and magic that we need. Please don’t deny yourself or the world of your magnificence and your beauty.

KIM: Deva, lastly can I ask… What is your fierce truth? Deva: My fierce truth is a life devoted to the unknown, the magik and mystery, the being guided by the pulsating currents of my hearts humming. My truth is to always find a way back to LOVE over and over again. It is to know my body is an oracle, a vessel of the divine, one which is to be honoured and adorned.

Photographer Emma Boileau

DEVA WILD Reclaiming your wild Activating your power Embodying your Sensuality Awakening your magik

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Shamanic Water Ritual

Water is the element of our deep emotions and our unconscious.

by Renée McCready


he element of water helps purify, clear, cleanse and remove types of energy that may be stuck to our energy field. The element of water calls us into the deeper, even more shadow-like aspects of our wisdom that lie within our bones and blood. Water is symbolic of dreaming, healing, flowing, fluidity, purification, regeneration, stability, strength, change, fertility, devotion, receiving and unconditional love. It symbolises death as well as rebirth. It is lifegiving, but can also be destructive. All water is connected to every other drop of water. It’s holographic, and ancestral. All water eventually goes back to the sea. Water is a holder of information and knowledge. It is crystalline and conscious. Water holds us safe in the womb, and is also the blood and fluids of our great Mother. This water ritual calls in our protective ancestral primordial energies though the sacred connection to water, sacred geometry and the medicine of prayer. The sacred geometry of the spiral is feminine in nature, connects us to the fertility of our bodies and that of the earth, is the symbolism of Pachamama and the womb.

Crystals that you feel connected to to place in or near the spiral grid. Some type of sacred smoke - to clear and create your intent. Go to a body of water you feel connected to: a lake, river, the ocean, a stream or a pond. Collect some rocks, stones, sticks, driftwood or shells. Whatever natural objects are around you at the body of water’s bio region. Create a spiral with the natural objects, either in or near the body of water, whatever size spiral feels right for you. Place your crystals into the centre of the grid to represent the void, the space of our primordial creation, where all and everything is birthed from.

Centre yourself with a few deep breaths in your belly, then speak out loud the following prayer 6 times. Directing the prayer to each direction of the spiral, allowing your prayer to be carried on the element of air and soul flight to Great Spirit and the primordial void.

Prayer Blood of the mother The waterways of our earth Pulse of her heartbeat Allowing deep rebirth

Take your sacred smoke and spiral the smoke around the grid, using your breath to connect to the grid, the elements and your intent. Thank your ancestors and the ancestors of the land for assisting, and ask permission for this ceremony/ritual to take place in deep reverence.

Water cleansing my body, emotions, mind and soul Let all my manifestations be told I honour the earth, water, fire, air, stars and sky All sentient beings Foreseeing from the eagle eye The Great Spirit and the divine

Stand in the centre of the grid, with the crystals that you have placed at your feet either in or near the water.

And so it is So mote it be A’ho

Behind you lies the South, the element of Earth representing soul retrieval. To the left of the grid lies the West, the

Give thanks to Great Spirit, to the elements of earth, water, air and fire, to the land, to your ancestors, animal, human, plant & mineral. Also give thanks to our past, present and future selves.

What you need to take with you

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Honour each of the directions and elements, and give gratitude to the medicine they offer.

Place your flowers or plants in or around the grid in the water, or on the land in an intuitive and creative way. Acknowledge the reciprocity of giving and receiving from the land.

The Ritual Flowers or plants for offerings to the water and the spiral grid you will create.

Water representing entity removal. To the right of you lies the East, the Fire representing soul clearing. To the front of you lies the North, the Air representing soul flight. Below you lies the roots of our connection to Mother Earth. Above you lies the sun and Father Sky.

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IMAGES © Elena Ray / Adobe Stock

The Relationship

Quandary Ongoing Series

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At some point in our life, we’ve all been there right? Navigating the ups and downs of an intimate relationship and doing the best we can to create harmony and lasting connection. Sometimes we get it right, sometimes we don’t. Either way, each experience with a partner or potential partner can bring us an assortment of lessons, learnings, love and yes sometimes, heartbreak. Each month we will bring you conscious and authentic conversations with singles and couples alike. Discussing with them the answers to some of those important relationship questions we’ve all potentially asked at some point. “How we should communicate?” “What makes a relationship successful?” “What is key to lasting relationships?”

“What should I look for in a relationship?” “How do I communicate what I want?” Intimate Relationships are an imperative aspect of emotional and mental wellbeing in human and spiritual development. So take a journey with us each month to see how others are navigating the relationship quandary.

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IMAGES © oneinchpunch / Adobe Stock

“What does love mean?”


IMAGES © Rachael Smith personal collection

Meet Rachael Smith Rachael is a former full figure model and when she is not busy being an advocate for healthy body image, she works as a radio announcer. You can hear her on the Rich and Rach Brekkie Show, Saturday mornings at 88.6 Plenty FM in Melbourne, Australia.

Kim: What has been your history been like with relationships? Rachael: I tend to attract men who are controlling and have narcissistic tendencies. I think it’s because I’m such an easy-going person, so they’re very drawn to our personality type. We tend to stay in those relationships a lot longer because we think we can heal them; we can save them. That is my nature. Kim: How long have you been in your current relationship for, and what were you looking for when you met him? Rachael: I wanted someone, and I’ve told my girls this, it’s so important that someone is your best friend. You’ve got to have that friendship first, you really do. I mean obviously you need that attraction, but attraction and lust and all that can go. You need that slow releasing joy that builds with someone and that comes with friendship and that’s what I’ve learned in my other relationships. They weren’t my best friend; they weren’t my friend.

Rachael: You just know. You’re attracted energy-wise to them and you can’t even explain it. It’s just this inner knowing where you feel like you’ve known them forever. I had that feeling with him and that’s the only way I can explain it. There was this instant boom and he explains it as a bolt of lightning. It was like “you’re meant to be in my life” and I just knew it. Kim: How do you want to be treated in a relationship? Rachael: As an equal. For me it’s about having that balance in your relationship. He laughs because he uses that word back at me a lot in our relationship, it’s all about balance. He’s like “Rachel, we balanced today?” I’m like “Shut up!” [Laughter] Just treat me equally, because in my past relationships it was like role-playing and I lost who I was. So in this relationship, like I said, that independence and that trust is there so there’s balance too. He’s like “honey I support you” and I want to feel supported, and I feel supportedin this relationship. Kim: How do you feel most loved by your partner?

Kim: Were you looking for all of that in a relationship when you met him? Or did it evolve like that? Rachael: It evolved absolutely, and also I was looking for someone that would allow that Aquarian in me to be that free spirit gypsy girl too. And also trust, a big one. In my past, relationships didn’t have trust. I trust this man and he trusts me, so we allow each other that freedom because he’s like that too. We can be who we are, and grow who we are as an individual. And it allows us to grow together. Kim: What did it take for you to realize you wanted to pursue this connection as a relationship?

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Rachael: It’s things like when he makes me a cup of tea and he knows how I like my tea. Or he knows how I only like a bit of vegemite scrape with lots of butter on my toast. Seriously, that’s acts of love for me. They take the time to watch you enough to know what you like and that means they’re attentive. My exhusband didn’t know how to make my cup of tea after 14 years. Ben knew the first week. It’s those things, or he’ll go out and he said “Honey, I noticed that your eyes get really red with mascara, so I’ve got you some vegan mascara that my mum said is really good for people with allergies” and brought me vegan mascara, wow. Or he’ll get me a candle because he’s noticed that I like citrusflavoured. So he gets me a tangerine-coloured one because he saw a photo of me when I was 15 in my tangerine leotards “because

I know you like tangerine.” He gets me. So those kinds of things where they see you. I haven’t really been seen before. Kim: Do you have a non-negotiable in your relationships? Rachael: It’s cheating for me. Because once trust is lost, and I think this is something I’m still working on, trust is very hard for me to get back. So I can forgive, but I don’t forget, and once trust is broken for me, I just can’t Kim. That’s just my trigger that I’m still working through. Kim: How do you communicate your needs? Rachael: We really talk it out all the time. If we get into an argument we refuse to hang up until we get our calm voice back and end it with “I love you,” every time. So we’ll yell at each other but then we always talk through it and calm down. We go through the stages and always end it with I love you. He always goes “Okay this is good, I feel good, we communicated.” So we always talk it through. I never did that in the past. Kim: How do you navigate your differences? Rachael: We give each other space because we have trust. We’re very honest. He’ll say “If there’s something I don’t want to go to, I’m just going to tell you Rach, but you still go” and I’m “Okay, yeah cool.” We’re very honest and straight to the point with each other and we’re independent enough that we know how and what we’ve got together. We support each other and what we need to achieve, like him with his music and me with my radio. We give each other the space to breathe that comes with trust again and communication. Without those things it wouldn’t be that way. So it all goes in together. Kim: What do you think is a bad example of communication between partners? Rachael: A bad example is when you’re in relationships where you feel like the other person’s out to prove you wrong instead of coming up with a solution. So you always want to go into it “this is what I’ve learned” and what I do in this relationship is we never go in there to bring each other down. You have your moments, but we consciously don’t want to bring each other down. It’s about finding a solution together and not telling each other “You’re wrong to feel this way” because it’s how you feel. So acknowledge “Okay that’s your truth” you know, not wanting to change someone on how they feel that certain way, and why. Because it’s their truth. Kim: What do you think is a good example of communication between partners? Rachael: Exactly what I just said, that’s a good example. Going “All right, we’re in this together. Let’s find a solution” and not break each other down”. It’s like “Okay, how are we going to work through this.” Doing that. Kim: What’s the most valuable thing about being in a relationship?

Rachael: The most valuable thing; there’s so many! You’re making me think, Kim. The most valuable thing about being in a relationship? For me it’s having that someone that I can just break all those walls down and be completely me with. My partner, he holds me up. I can be so strong for everyone else, but I can I literally fall into his arms and he cuddles me to sleep. Like when I was doing chemo tablets, he laid there for two hours and just cuddled me. It’s when they’re just there for you no matter what. You can just let yourself be there with them. Kim: What does this quality of relationship, where you have respect and understanding, what does that give to you in your life, what does that give to you as a woman? Rachael: So this girl, having this kind of relationship compared to my other ones? I haven’t lost myself. I’ve had moments, not completely. But I’ve completely lost myself in other relationships and I didn’t follow my dreams. In this relationship, I have the freedom to go and follow my dreams and I don’t have restrictions like I did in the other ones. There’s a balance. Kim: So thinking on your past relationships and who you were when you first allowed them into your life. Were you different to who you were when you met this partner? Rachael: Back then I was a party animal. Alcohol, drugs, you name it, and so I was drawn to my ex-husband because he didn’t do any of those things and it was my only sense of security. I lost myself completely. With my current partner, I’ve gone through divorce, illness, all these things and I just realized that I just want to be with someone that makes me laugh. It’s not so much about the big house or the picket fence anymore. So I’ve gone into this relationship like as I said, I don’t feel like I need to come up with the solution for him. We’re independent in the relationship, but we’re one, together. I just view it all so differently and I won’t let people hold me down anymore either. I’m a lot stronger in this relationship. My sister said to me “This is the most I have ever seen you be yourself with a man.” I don’t have to pretend to be anything with this person except myself, no role-playing. Kim: Is there anything else that you want to add? Rachael: I don’t regret any of my relationships because they’ve brought me to who I am, and they’ve brought me into this current relationship. It doesn’t mean that this relationship’s perfect, because in every relationship we have our challenges and we’re constantly learning. Kim: Last question Rachel, what does love mean to you? Rachel: That is a tricky question, that’s a hard one isn’t it? Love is, wow, what does love mean to me? Okay, I can only speak for myself. So for me it’s allowing me to be in a relationship, my partner allowing me to be who I truly am because every other partner has tried to change me. Just being with someone who’s not trying to change you, loving someone for who they are. A lot of people go into relationships being drawn to someone because of their brightness and their personality, but then they spend the rest of the relationship trying to change them. So love is not trying to change someone. It’s just loving them as they are on that journey and watching them grow and supporting them in that the best way you can. As well as looking after yourself.

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Kim: Caiyu, are you in a relationship at the moment? Caiyu: Yes, I guess in the context of what I know this conversation is then yes, I’m certainly in a relationship. Kim: Where were you in your life when this relationship first started? Caiyu: In a very different place than where I am right now. I now have a two-year-old daughter, and having a child and being in relationship certainly changes things. But on a more personal level I was at a stage where I had started to delve into a lot of selfdevelopment work. That was also the blossoming of my spiritual expansion, so I was still very much exploring what it meant be me. To be perfectly honest, I think that I was still looking to the external to try and fill a lot of places within myself where I felt a void. I think I was certainly projecting that onto this relationship at the very beginning. Kim: How did that projection play out in both of your lives Caiyu: It’s a great question. Because I certainly have had a lot of unhealthy behaviours in previous relationships that were largely starting to clear out at the start of this relationship. I think it was a sense of loneliness that has actually been a big puzzle piece throughout my journey and my spiritual journey. This deep sense of loneliness, sorrow and grief has been a very challenging thing to sit with over the years. I wasn’t equipped to go very deeply into that at the start of this relationship. So I think that I was using this relationship in a sense to not feel that loneliness.

IMAGES © Caiyu Kiora personal collection

Kim: What made you know that this was the relationship to pursue? To know that your partner was the one that you wanted to commit to in your relationship? Caiyu: I didn’t. It was a gradual unfolding, and the word that’s coming to mind now is choice. I think for me it was coming to the understanding that I have a choice to be in this relationship or not. The honest answer here is having a child. She was pregnant and there was that choice because I was still very resistant in many ways. I certainly didn’t have that commitment to the relationship or that commitment to fatherhood either. It was through the pregnancy journey that my commitment really strengthened. So I’d say that was the time where things really started to solidify and strengthen. Then of course when little bub popped out into the world things were different. It wasn’t just myself and my partner and then we became more of a family unit.

Meet Caiyu Kiora Caiyu is a ceremonialist, student of sacred medicine and host of the podcast “Birdsong with Caiyuda Kiora”, and the founder of medicinepath. net. Both of which explore the path of shamanism, nature-based spirituality and earth-honouring traditions.

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Kim: Did you have any non-negotiables in your relationship on a whole, or even relationships in your past? Caiyu: What comes to mind for me is of virtuous qualities. There’s ways in which we wish to be treated. What’s coming to mind is something called the golden rule and it’s treat others the way that you want to be treated yourself. Then a step further is the platinum rule which is to treat others with the knowing that they are yourself. And this is the recognition that we’re all connected beyond our seemingly individual personalities and identities. To be able to see ourselves in the eyes of another is a very powerful mode of perception. How we would want to be treated ourselves is how in turn we would treat someone else. So I’m talking virtual qualities like understanding, compassion, patience, forgiveness, open and

clear communication. We all want to be heard, so knowing how to listen and be present honestly in a way that is constructive. I guess I went on a tangent to say that a red flag would tend to fall into what I might consider to be the opposite of these virtuous qualities, of how we might like to be treated within our relationships

to get out of my own egoic sense of self and really ask for what it is that is not being met. Or rather, express what it is that I feel is not being met. With the potential for it to be met, because I know that it’s a thread for myself and for a lot of other men as well. Being able to speak and feel and really embody those deeper emotions, and that certainly ties into it for me.

Kim: Has your relationship been easy?

Kim: What do you value most about your relationship?

Caiyu: Well no, I don’t think the relationship has been easy. There are certainly times where it has been challenging. And perhaps that’s an inherent quality within any relationship. As we are always changing and evolving ourselves and we’re in relationship with another being, that is always changing and evolving. So it’s inevitable that there is going to be conflict. For me it’s about having the willingness to step into the discomfort and find ways to navigate the relationship with all of its beauty and bliss. Then all of its challenges and discomfort in a healthy and harmonious way

Caiyu: There are a lot of things that I value about our relationship. What I’m reflecting on is the difference between what do I value in my partner, and what do I value in the relationship. While my partner has a lot of virtuous qualities to her that I really value, the thing that I value most about this relationship is that it’s such a great container for growth for myself. And that often comes in the most subtle of ways. It allows me to cultivate greater awareness to the subtleties of life and the subtleties of relationships. Of course, there are sometimes big profound lessons that come within relating with someone else. But I think it’s the little subtle ways that we’re both growing together, and the relationship is growing. Then having our little bub involved in the greater unfolding as well.

Kim: When you’re going through a difficult time together, how do you navigate that and handle your arguments? Caiyu: I feel there is an importance of having a deeper understanding, seeing each other as one and the same. But it’s also having the understanding of the differences and our uniqueness, and the kind of polarities that would exist within relationships. Some of those differences might tie into love language and attachment styles. For example, how you express and love or the way we like to receive love.

I guess it’s just having an understanding of ourselves and what our partner resonates with. The complexities, who we are as people, and then having that understanding. Then perhaps mutual respect and clearer communication can unfold and evolve between the two people. That’s certainly one of the ways that we have approached it. Having these understandings of our differences, and it’s not something that just comes. It’s something that evolves as we ourselves evolve. We have our own shadows and our triggers, and I think again it just comes down to the golden rule and the platinum rule. Kim: How do you ask for what you want your relationship? Caiyu: Well the very simple answer is with words. I merely ask in a way that is not demanding. The word expectation is coming to mind for me. While we do carry expectations, and they are an inherent part of relationships and life to varying degrees. There’s the old proverb which says that expectations pave the path to disappointment. If we’re expecting something or attached to one particular outcome or desire, there can be resistance to whatever it is that is unfolding. So I think being able to just ask from the heart, finding ways to be honest about what we want without being destructive. Being constructive, having that mutual respect. But not having any expectations that my partner, or anyone else for that matter, is actually going to be able to fulfill what it is that I’m requesting. Kim: How do you communicate to your partner if you feel that your needs are not being met? Caiyu: I certainly noticed the pattern if my needs are not being met. The challenge for me is being able to actually come to a place where I can express that my needs are not being met. Being able

Kim: What do you feel makes a successful relationship? Caiyu: To answer this, I feel as though I would probably summarize a lot of the points that I have brought up at this stage already. Understanding of our similarities, our differences, to know or to clarify our own values, our own boundaries, our own vision for life. But then also to understand the other side of the equation as well. How that forms a mutual or a shared vision, and our shared values and the shared path forward. How we both want the relationship to evolve and what we are hoping to get out of it.

I think for me it comes back to connection to the path of the heart and soul. It’s ultimately a maturation and an integration of mind-body-soul. We want to be reasonable. We want to have healthy functional beliefs. We want to be embodied, connected to our feelings and our emotions. Connected to our hearts. There’s the deeper connection to what we find meaningful and purposeful in life, and this is also a path of finding what our own unique gifts and medicine is. How we’re being in service to the world in a way that speaks to being in alignment or right relationship to our planet and nature. I don’t necessarily think that we have to have all of these things in place to have a healthy functioning relationship. But perhaps I’m having an understanding of some of these other elements of path of heart and soul, and the way we walk it in our own unique way, and how our partner is walking it. I think it certainly adds value to any relationship and the way that it might blossom. Kim: Last question Caiyu, what does love mean to you? Caiyu: What does love mean to me? Well, in one sense love means everything to me. Some of the greatest spiritual philosophers say that the underlying wave of creation of this entire cosmos is love and beauty. So to be able to walk this path of life and keep coming back to heart and keep coming back to love. To be able to try and love self and other as much as possible. That’s certainly the path that I find myself on. I’m trying to think if there is anything that holds greater weight or greater meaning than love. I think perhaps at the core of everything, it always comes back to love.

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Giving Hearts


Meet three women creating massive impact and change in the world


any of us dream of living in a better world. We notice what is wrong or what could be better. We knowledge it and sometimes even open our hearts (and purses) to give to the causes we believe in the most. And then there are the people that truly take the need for change to heart. They not only dream of living in a better world, their purpose is to take action to make it so in their own unique way. They pull on their courage. They gather their resources. They stand up for what they believe is right

and commit to whatever cause touches their heart. Even if they have to found and establish that cause themselves. We were lucky to interview three such women creating meaningful change in the world. Each of their stories are inspiring and certainly touched our heart strings, and we hope that they manage to touch yours too. Meet Stephanie Woollard, Mandy Richards, and Carol Miller. Incredible women with powerful storied and causes to share. Written by Elizabeth Vigar

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IMAGES © Stephanie Woollard personal collection

Seven Women: An interview with Stephanie Woollard


tephanie Woollard started Seven Women because she wanted to have a positive impact on the lives of disadvantaged women in Nepal and around the world. In her 15-year journey and 36 trips to Nepal, Stephanie has helped over 6000 women be educated, trained and employed. Her journey has been one of compassion, courage and innovation. We interviewed Stephanie about the inspiration behind the cause, what they do to make a difference, and how everyone can get involved. During a trip to Nepal, Stephanie had a simple encounter that would become a pivotal moment in her journey. After walking through the back streets of Kathmandu, she happened upon a disabled woman who was carrying a heavy load. Stephanie decided to help the woman and she was led back to a tin shed where a group of women were making candles to sell at the local market. There were 7 women, all working around an ancient candle mould, and they all had a disability. It was an eye-opening experience for Stephanie and, with her last $200, she paid two trainers to teach these women how to make other products. Stephanie brought the products back to Australia to sell and, thus, Seven Women was born. “I think the human potential is in all of us…the mind is a critical factor and to understand that we all have this incredible life force that we can tap into that can do everything for us.” Stephanie realised that the organisations that are empowering people and building capacity are the ones that are the most sustainable. These organisations are creating incredible transformations by making lasting change, something that goes well beyond simple handouts. Handouts can create a dependency, or even corruption, which is the opposite of empowerment.

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Stephanie wanted to make something lasting and sustainable, too. The motivation behind Seven Women has been less about profit and more about creating jobs for women. The vision is to identify more leaders in communities so that more women can be reached. A ripple effect has taken place where women who have been educated and are earning money are now leading other women to do the same. It’s a deeply community-centred enterprise founded on the belief that we all have the potential to create and earn a living. Setting up factories, and making their practices more sustainable has been challenging, but the challenges have been met with love, perseverance and the lasting desire to keep working to make things better. The manufacturing business, the cooking school (which is attended by 150 people from around the world daily), and the newly opened guesthouse continue to evolve and grow. “Persistence, commitment and backing yourself is the first step.” If you want to get involved and support this cause, there will be an online cooking class to raise money for those in need of food and support. You can also sponsor the education of girls from remote villages. Currently, Stephanie is building a global network called the Seven Continents Council. The vision is to see humanity free and thriving in their full self-expression and co-create a better future by bringing a global community together. “Trust your gut. Go with the first step. The rest will unfold.” Fierce Truths Magazine


IMAGES © Mandy Richards personal collection

Global Sisters: An interview with Mandy Richards


he Global Sisters charity is an ambitious not-forprofit organisation that provides the resources and support necessary for women to start up their own small business. We spoke to Mandy Richards, the CEO and founder of Global Sisters, to find out more about the inspiration behind the cause, how they make a difference, and what you can do to get involved. During her childhood, Mandy witnessed the hardship her mum faced as a newly single mother trying to return to the workforce; and her extensive travel had exposed her to talented women who lacked the skills and knowhow to generate an income. Global Sisters was built on an awareness that there is a critical gap in support and education available to help women achieve financial independence. The movement aims to democratise and make all business possible for Australian and New Zealand women. “A lot of women don’t realise that business could be an option for them. A microbusiness is a great way of earning some income flexibly and that fits around your circumstances. This is just so critical for many Australian women.” The fact remains that jobs are scarce and unemployment rates are high. We need to educate ourselves on financial independence. There can be a real physical and mental barrier for women who are dreaming about running their own business and wanting to be their own boss. Global Sisters educates and offers personal support for women every step of the way. The soon to be released marketplace will have no fees except

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for a small percentage of your sales. There are no upfront costs and no monthly costs and their resources, including professional mentoring and coaching, are completely free. It’s an incredible opportunity for all women to take part in. Founded 8 years ago, Global Sisters is now comprised of a team of 20 dedicated and dynamic individuals. It is a long term flexible and self-paced program that focuses on 3 unique phases: business education, business incubation and business acceleration. They focus on building confidence, providing information, increasing tech capability and helping female entrepreneurs to access available resources. Support is available in, and not limited to, business education, business coaching, sales and marketing support and microfinance. The Sister School program, which Mandy describes as a “super practical business education school”, will suit anyone and especially women who live remotely, have experienced domestic violence, or who have a migrant or indigenous background. The Sisterhood is made up of a vibrant and powerful wrap-around community of other women on the same journey, coaches, and the global sisters’ team. If you want to get involved with and support Global Sisters you can donate or register as a business coach. There are professional coaches but there are also momentum coaches who don’t need to have any formal training, they just need to have a passionate, positive and supportive attitude. “I do believe that every woman can generate an income somehow.”

IMAGES © Carol Miller personal collection

Positive Focus: An interview with Carol Miller


fter watching a YouTube video in 2006 that showed how important it is to receive hugs, Carol Miller was inspired to take the cause into her own hands. In 2008, during a Chicago winter, Carol stood next to a frozen lake in the snow, holding a sign with two words on it, ‘Free Hugs.’ She confesses that she had never been a “hugger” before. However, this initiative has taught her how many people are desperately wanting to feel connected and to be seen by another. Her courage to venture outside her comfort zone is inspirational. We had a chat with Carol to find out more about her journey, and why this is such a powerful expression of compassion and human connection. Carol started Positive Focus, a not-for-profit organisation, in 2008, to help people focus on what they want in their life, rather than what they don’t want. It has a focus on love, kindness, compassion and peace; rather than blame, shame and to complain. By choosing to uplift, help and collaborate with others, we are actively serving each other, and ourselves. “This world is beautiful and it’s messy. There’s a lot of beauty in this world and there’s a lot of mess in this world. It’s not about pretending that everything is roses and perfect. It’s about bringing kindness and compassion to the messiness.” As a part of Positive Focus, Carol organises Global Free Hugs, a worldwide event that happens on the first weekend of May every year. People are continually registering, and the event has seen people on 6

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continents, over 44 countries and over 29 US states get involved. This year, Global Free Hugs will likely involve sharing a smile instead of a hug because of COVID-19 but, ultimately, it is about helping people to feel acknowledged and this can be done with a smile, too. Carol explains how critical it is for every person to feel seen, to be heard and to feel like they matter. Offering free hugs and smiles is a simple way anyone can contribute to making the world a kinder place. Anyone can get involved. There are people from all corners of the globe who participate. It’s a powerful way to show that we care about each other and that it’s ok to be vulnerable. There is a universal bond and connection that can and does exist between people. “I believe that if people felt seen and heard they would be less likely to harm themselves or harm other people.” Carol has been busy working on a 1 Million Hug movement which hopes to see more and more people receive the recognition they long for. Carol refers to herself as a “peace activator” rather than an activist because she is not only being active herself. Rather, she is hoping to activate the peace within others and to help them live a more compassionate, peaceful, kind, and love-filled life. You can also become an Ambassador and spread the word or organise local events in your area. So, keep spreading the love and kindness, one hug at a time. Fierce Truths Magazine


Expanding Awareness by Sarah Baiada


iving life in pursuit of expanding your awareness is a powerful intention which takes courage and commitment to yourself. You can never predict how this will unfold and manifest in your reality. That’s the point. You have to let go of all expectations, because you haven’t read your own book. And new forms of awareness allow us to learn ourselves once again, rediscovering ancient knowledge, timeless ideas, being yourself and connecting with ancient lineages throughout time. We are taught very different ways of interpreting knowledge in this reality and school system. Our society is logic-based, but this misses the fact that those great minds who created the foundations of what we know as science, logic, and mathematics were all mystics. Visionaries, artists, philosophers, poets and wanderers. Awareness is a mystic tradition, a counterculture running alongside the ruling class of the day. We’re losing much of this tradition in the clever marketing of social media and new age movements, where being a seeker of knowledge takes the form of an Instagram-friendly lifestyle. The guru has been replaced by a meditation app and a device that measures your daily movements and cycles. And yet we are ironically more connected and aware of what’s happening in the world than ever before. Our digital global civilization expands our awareness much more quickly, with news and communications in real time. One person’s discovery can be heard across the oceans much faster now than even 10 years ago. Our ability for self-awareness is now mirrored by billions of other

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people and their perception of awareness. This can be quite confronting on our own individual self awareness journey, as we apply differing expectations and mindsets about what this is perceived to be. One tribe’s traditional way of cultivating awareness is different to another. The great news is that we have an overabundance of tools and methods for learning and growth. However, it always needs to be intertwined with self-observation, humbleness, gratitude, endurance and persistence, acknowledgement and grace with oneself. Expressed awareness and personal growth can be demonstrated in a multitude of disciplines and expressions, ideally with respect for the traditional ways of its culture.

The journey of self-expansion follows a similar pattern: first you must acknowledge yourself, your journey and acknowledge the culture that you are learning alongside. With acknowledgement of the space you occupy, and observation for the nature and environment to which you are exposed. Then the clearing begins; of your mind, body and reality of all unconscious contracts and filters you may not have been aware of. Starting with the self

Each individual’s journey of expansion is so unique, and we are the ones who create the stories for this voyage. If you have been separated from your lineage’s traditional way of expanding awareness, there’s no need to worry or feel alone in this quest. You have been left all the nuggets of wisdom inside your body. Your inner world and your incredible body has everything you seek. Just like the ancient mystics hid the tales of their expanding awareness in plain sight, through art, statues, mathematics and secret languages. Another thing you may benefit from is trust in yourself, creating and allowing space for yourself, and being prepared to laugh with the humour of the cosmos. A process of expansion does not need to be rushed. We have time. And space. A lifetime. I remember I would always demand to know everything now! And one day I was so impatient and frustrated that I knew there was more to know, but certainly had not learnt how to be graceful with my approach to myself and my own journey. This one particular day I demanded to know the truth of it all. Then I began to feel a pain in my head. The only way to describe the sensation was like the hemispheres of my brain were splitting and opening rapidly. This was the moment

I realised I was making my journey harder than it needed to be. I was applying the same methods I had learnt through many years studying science and health towards my own personal journey. I was void of the human experience and, well, basically lacking love and grace. That was the moment I stopped being so hard on myself for not knowing all the mysteries of the universe, and began to let it be. An abundance of flow and ease flooded into my life after this moment. Anything I needed just appeared and I marvelled in witnessing this expansion happen in my own life, rippling into every part of my world. Deep trust with the universe and my support team didn’t need to be tested anymore. I really began to drop into awareness. Into presence. Into my human experience. Not the one that was taught to me and rote learned or modelled from authority figures. Rather my own journey with Earth amongst the stars. Each person goes through their own rites of passage, exploring a myriad of states of awareness. We are all so unique and the tapestry of our soul is expressed with our experiences. We then pass on this wisdom through generations in storytelling and a single line of scripture on a page that you must ponder for months. We pass on our keys and ancient wisdom, and these codes unlock sacred parts of our inner world. This inner world begins to expand and you transform your human experience. Increasing your capacity to experience connection, empathy and the journey of life itself. Ultimately expanding your awareness reminds us that we are all one, each expressing their own unique perception and love.

Meet Sarah Sarah is the Founder of Universal Energetics Training and Rosa Temple Products. With over 17 years experience as a natural health practitioner, writer, speaker and facilitator of self awareness and energetic practices. Assisting with respectful connection to self, relationships and natural lore. Follow Sarah on Instagram or visit for writing, events and courses.

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and then with your relationships and interactions with the reality playing out. Expansion comes in many forms, it isn’t linear or up and down. Expansion follows the wave-like structures of our Earth, taking into consideration the form in which you pay most attention. For example, do you learn through love? If so, the key is to observe your relationships of the heart. You might also learn through voice, so your keys of expansion may reside in your throat and ability to speak your truth.



Third Eye It is time to remember how powerful you are by Kim Bleeze “Wait… what? Don’t I only have two eyes?” Could be what you are thinking right now if you don’t already know you have a third eye, right? And that’s true, you do only have two physical eyes. So what I mean is, your other eye. The eye that sits in the middle of your other eyes, and just up a bit. This is what is known as your Third Eye. To get really specific, this third eye is positioned in the centre of your forehead right where your pineal gland is, and in fact the two of them function together. You might go as far as to say that your pineal gland is your third eye. It acts as a gateway to deeper spiritual connection, heightened intuition and psychic abilities. When open, the third eye bridges us beyond our current 3D reality (your physical life and the earth plane) to the vast dimensions and realms beyond what we see with our physical sights and senses. In fact, the third eye is known as where the body, mind and spirit meet. So it has incredible transformational potential, connecting us to our extrasensory perceptions. These perceptions can enrich our lives as we navigate our current life in this world.

So awaken the third eye? What does that mean? Well, even though we are born with a third eye and most likely it was open, this doesn’t mean that it stays that way. Unfortunately, from the moment we begin to develop and function in this human suit of ours, the physical world around us begins to influence us. From what we eat, or what we are given to eat from our parents. The quality of water we drink. How others interact with us and what we are told about ourselves. And our parents’ and societal belief systems that are often forced upon us. So why might your third eye be closed, if it is meant to be one of your natural gifts? There can be many reason and will often come down to the unconscious programming that we have all experienced growing up in one form or another. We are all taught to think a certain way, act a certain way and in most cases, certainly not do anything out of the ordinary like connect deeply to our third eye!

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Essentially, from the moment we are born we are shown how to be, who to be, and how to act, from a world that has often forgotten the fundamentals of who we innately are, and how powerful we were really born to be. We are conditioned and programmed to forget. So for many, the third eye will have been closed throughout the majority of life. But let me tell you a secret… we were born to remember this. We were born to tap into this heightened point of personal power, of incredible intuitive ability. So when I talk about awakening the third eye, I am essentially talking about that. Remembering who you are. Remembering your birthright. Your power. Your strength. Your oneness with the universe. There has never been a more potent call to remember as there is now. Chances are, if you are reading this article right now, your third eye has already begun to awaken in some way. So maybe it is time to give it a jolt, hey?

How do I know if my third eye is open or closed? There are many signs that your third eye is closed. This may seem like the usual way of living, being and functioning out in the world. For instance, you might have an overactive mind. You may be caught in the experience of lack of purpose and lack of clarity about yourself and your life. You may feel as though something is missing from your life, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. You might be finding it hard to trust yourself and the decisions you make, or feel that you have bad judgement.

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When your third eye is open, you still might carry the old habits of some of the above, but you’ll have selfawareness around how that plays out for you in your life. You’ll feel more connected to yourself, to the people around you, to the universe. You’ll be more receptive to your intuition and psychic senses. You’ll see more, you’ll hear more, and you’ll generally know things that may not have stirred your awareness previously. You may start to see people’s auras too, and the auras of other living things. You may also have the ability to tap into other dimensions and realities and see beyond this physical reality that we call 3D. So, while your body has the experience of this physical world, your third eye can tap into higher frequencies and heightened states of consciousnesses. Others have said that they have the ability to connect and communicate with the world around them in a deeper and more meaningful way, and at a range that is outside their usual conscious awareness. The more the third eye is open, the more the perceived separation between us and our spirit

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and our soul dissipates. Allowing us the freedom to potentially experience astral traveling, jumping different timelines and realities (yep, that’s a thing) and consciously visiting the spirit (astral) realm when we are sleeping. This is often what is happening when you are lucid dreaming.

You may not notice the changes straight away; it is a process. I use the word “process” for a reason, and for some people that process may unravel at a fast pace. For others it may seem painfully slow. Both speeds are completely okay and happen at a rate that will benefit you and your higher self the most.

Should I open my third eye?

Either way, it’s a scary process for some people. But if you are anything like me, I say “Bring it on!” Because really, it is just another way of living truer to yourself.

That’s a good question. Understanding the doorway it opens, how much it can align and propel you towards a more purpose-in-tuned future, and the wonderful richness it can bring into your world, my answer would be YES! But that is my perspective. You know when you have something amazing in your life that you think everyone should try? Well, I am trying not to be like that! Ultimately you need to come to your own conclusion about what is right for you in this moment. Although awakening your third eye is part of what you are here to remember and embrace about yourself, it can also be challenging. Your life will never quite look the same, and all the old paradigms of what you believed to be true about yourself and the world as you know it will begin to fall away.

Is there a quick mediative practice I can try? Overall, awakening your third eye is a full life experience. From what you choose to eat, drink and think. To how you choose to be and what you choose to do with your time. For instance, are you meditating and spending time connecting to yourself, or are you binging on TV? The following practice is something simple you can try, and should help activate your third eye quite quickly. From there, how much time you spend continuing that activation and then maintaining it will be up to you.


2 1 Sit in a comfortable and relaxed position

Close your eyes and allow your breath to become deep and slow. Take your time

3 Once your cycle of breath has become nice and slow, focus your attention on the centre of your forehead where your third eye is. You can place your finger there to help guide you if you like

Imagine you are breathing in a golden white light through your third eye


5 Remain relaxed, keep breathing deeply and slowly. Don’t force the process

Repeat as often as you like

What should I expect once I have opened my third eye? The opening of your third eye may be so subtle, you experience nothing at first. Or you may feel a slight tingling or pulsing sensation in the centre of your forehead. You may even feel as though you have a heart beating in your third eye. Strange, right? This just means your third eye is awakened and your pineal gland is functioning in a way that is beneficial to your spiritual growth. You may then start to hear and see things in your mind’s eye. You can start to experience an improved level of intuitive insight and perception into your own life, and perhaps the lives of others around you. Or even world events. You may start to have the awareness of knowingness and deep self-awareness, more empathy, clarity and also become quicker in making decisions. Your Psychic abilities could also begin to develop, and also your ability to connect to spirit. You may also start to see auras and people’s energy. Generally, you should see, hear and know more, and ultimately begin to experience the world in a new way. It will be exciting, and also a little challenging, as you meet this new version of yourself for the first time. Enjoy, and say hi to this new version of yourself from me. Fierce Truths Magazine



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The Psychic Stone

Azurite, with its striking blue tones, is synonymous with the expansive wisdom represented by the sky and ocean. It was coined ‘The Stone of Heaven’ by the Ancient Chinese because they believed it held powers that could open the gateway to the celestial heavens. It has been revered for its beauty and spiritual powers by the Ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Greeks, Romans and the Native Americans. Azurite’s

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power lies in its ability to connect us with our psychic abilities. It can expand the mind, increasing our PSI powers and making us more receptive to different perspectives. Azurite has a strong association with our Third Eye Chakra. It helps us to see into our subconscious dream state, opening a doorway in which to explore our past lives.

The Third Eye Chakra is linked to our ability to receive spiritual guidance through the mind. When the mind is open, we are more connected to our intuition, intellectual thoughts and ideas. Azurite is also thought to cleanse the psyche of negative emotional energies, making way for change and growth. When this happens, you can experience an elevation in your consciousness which can help you on your journey to spiritual enlightenment.

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If you are feeling worried and stressed, or you are seeking mental clarity, then azurite can be just the right healing stone for you. By keeping one close to you, it can work to clear away subconscious beliefs that are no longer serving you. And it may help you find balance and control over your emotions and ideas. It can rid you of emotionally charged thoughts that are shrouded in misjudgement, giving you the objectivity you need.

Ways to Use Azurite Azurite is a rubbing stone that releases its energies when it is touched. Simply hold your precious azurite while you visualise your worries disappearing. Wear a piece of azurite to promote the connection between your physical self and your ethereal self, opening the pathways to spiritual awareness and guidance.

The Potentian Health Benefits of Azurite Azurite also has been connected with the Throat Chakra, making it a powerful stone to use for communication, both psychically and in your day to day interactions with people. If you have difficulty expressing your thoughts and feelings then azurite can help to unblock the Throat Chakra, allowing you to also find balance in your expression. Azurite is believed to balance the reproductive system circulatory system and maintain a healthy heart. It also can help your immune system to function more optimally, and is thought to increase tissue regeneration. Its’ inherent psychic connections makes it a wonderful stone to meditate with. By meditating with azurite you may be able to enter a space of deep connection with your inner being. Through this state, you can exercise your psychic tendencies and explore your inner world of dreams and past lives.

How to Look After Your Crystal The best way to maintain and maximise the powers of your crystal is to recharge it under the light of a full moon. First, wash it under cool running water and place it under the moonlight for a night. This can help to restore all of its’ natural energy. You could also try smudging your azurite with sage. Burn a smudge stick and allow the crystal to be bathed in the smoke, while you visualise any negative energies disappearing. Opening the mind and allowing for new perspectives can facilitate a deeper connection to your inner self, leading to greater understanding. Azurite is said to be a powerful psychic stone that can bring down those mental barriers, allowing you to express your psychic and intuitive powers. Using azurite to strengthen your communicative powers and build a relationship with your spirituality can open your perception to psychic relationships that were once completely unknown to you. Exploring these platforms may bring you a greater sense of fulfillment and confidence that will assist you on your personal journey of understanding on your path to enlightenment. Written by Elizabeth Vigar

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Fierce Experts Check in monthly to see what advice our experts have for you

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Fierce Fitness

Radical Thinking

Earth Whisper

Jo Lastro

Scott Grasso

Renée McCready

A 1st-Degree Muay Thai Kickboxer and sole owner of Jo’s Fitness Studio. Muay Thai has made Jo stronger, more comfortable in her own skin, and taught her to have faith and trust in herself. She now hopes to inspire, and help others overcome their own obstacles by sharing her expertise in fitness.

A Melbourne-based healer, intuitive and mentor. For the last 27 years, Scott has worked with men and women who want to find a new way of peaceful living that is in harmony with their true selves and others. He believes that any personal journey is an “inside job”: it begins with focusing on ourselves.

A plant wisdom keeper, ceremonialist, shamanic healer and therapist. Also a kitchen witch, plant based chef, yoga teacher, earth doula, bio-regionalist, and a practising animist. She runs workshops, sacred cacao ceremonies, mentoring programmes and will bring through earth wisdom.

Empowered Healing

The L-Plate Witch

Horoscope and Stars

Karina Barca

Meg Crawford

Lana F. Jackson

A Melbourne based Medium, Healer, Psychic, Reiki Master Teacher, Mentor, Forensic Healing Practitioner and Facilitator of ‘Sistahood Sundays’. Through her own healing and empowerment journey, her passion became very clear. To serve, inspire and assist all who want to grow, heal, evolve.

A word nerd (ie. writer, freelance journo, contributor and general pen for hire). Her side hustle is being a lawyer. She’s a rock dog to the core and likes Ghostbusters just a little bit too much. You can find her communing with chickens, bunnies and cats, when she’s not engaging in witch business under a full moon.

An Internationally recognised Intuitive Astrologer, medium, psychic and entrepreneur who has been working professionally in her craft for over 25 years. Lana will be sharing her invaluable expertise as our in-house Astrologist each month and is renown for her accuracy and detail.

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Our Fierce Experts

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Fierce Fitness by Jo Lastro

Taking Responsibility of Your Health “Your health is your most prized possession.” It might sound like a broken record, however the importance of taking care of our health and wellbeing cannot be stressed enough. Our physical health alone enables us to accomplish everyday tasks, ensures our vital organs continue to function as intended and sets us up to live long enough to enjoy the time we have with our friends, children and grandchildren. Taking responsibility for our health is not just for one day, but for all the days of our life. The health of our mind and body also contributes to how we feel about ourselves and our life. When we lose sight of our health and fitness goals, it often has a ripple effect on other areas in our life such as our selfesteem, our mental health and feelings of well-being, and even our relationships with others. The good news is that we all have the ability to take control of our health. You may think that your health and well-being is a destination and one day you will reach it; however, it’s more of a series of gradual efforts that are best accomplished one small step at a time. With Spring well underway (in Australia), there could not be a better time to take the first step and make a change for the better in your life.

How to Accept Responsibility The first step on your journey to accepting responsibility for your life is to shift your health and fitness goals away from what you want to lose, and focus on what you could gain. For example, confidence, empowerment, happiness and new experiences are much more sustainable goals than goals that solely focus on the physical. A combination of both mental and physical goals is a good place to start. Step away from the scales and start asking yourself: “Wouldn’t it be awesome if I could walk up the stairs without running out of breath?” or “Wouldn’t it be great if I could climb a mountain and join a new group and make new friends?” Anything is possible once you accept responsibility for what you could gain. This is when your body

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will change, you will be in better shape, feel stronger, fitter and the key word, healthier.

Let’s Start at The Beginning Are you ready? Let’s start at the beginning. This I call breaking down your health and fitness goals, which will help you in making better choices on your path. All goals I believe need to be small and achievable for the lifestyle you lead. I know, you may be thinking it’s a bit strange to set goals for your health, but this is how responsibility starts and they have far-reaching effects that can spill into every area of your life. First and foremost: ensure that you journal your progress, as this will keep you focussed and motivated. Let’s go: 1. Write down how you feel; yes, at this exact moment. How do you feel about your body and your

current state of health? 2. What is your “Why?” Make a list of all the reasons why you want to have a healthy body. This could include losing weight, gaining more muscle, walking a good distance without huffing and

BANNER IMAGE © doozydo / Adobe Stock

5. Taking responsibility and control of your health doesn’t mean you need to do this on your own. If you need guidance or someone to keep you accountable, reach out.

3. What lifestyle habits do you need to implement to improve your health? Are you wanting to follow a nutritious eating plan due to issues with your gut health, or do you want to drink less alcohol and more water?

Before you embark on any physical activity or exercise program, it’s recommended that you consult your doctor beforehand. Especially the older you are, if you haven’t exercised in a long time or suffer from a chronic medical condition.

4. What sort of exercise are you interested in? This could be walking, boxing, dancing, swimming, cardio or HIIT to name a few. Or do you want to take up a passion that has been at the back of your mind for ages, but you always thought you could never do that? What comes to mind? Is it hiking up mountains or running a marathon? Now that you have set some clear boundaries for yourself, last and not least:

Action With your goals set, now is the time to put them to action. For the purpose of this exercise: your goal is to get fit, cut back on the sugary drinks, drink more water and strengthen your core. Here is my simple and easy to do core exercise you can do anywhere at any time. You don’t need much room or any fancy equipment

Superman 1. Lie on your front, with your arms and legs extended. 2. Raise your head, your right arm and your left leg about 10-15cm off the floor. Hold for a count of three, then lower back down to the start position. Repeat with your left arm and right leg. 10 repeats on each side.

End The minute you show up and start treating your body like it is worth something, is the minute you take responsibility for it. Make the choice to take responsibility to find what works for your body and enjoy the process of carving out your personal path to vibrant health and wellbeing.

Love Jo xx

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puffing, or simply just to be fit with more energy for yourself and your family. This is so important if you have kids, as you will know they are always looking to do things.

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By Scott Grasso

Choose Love, Not Fear Hey Family, I think that we can all agree that these are extraordinary times indeed. The entire world has not experienced a global menace of this magnitude since the Second World War. And it’s not actually important what you think the global menace actually is: a pandemic, the rise of fascism, the limitation of our personal freedoms or a combination of these. In my observation, many people are experiencing dis-ease as a result of everything that’s going on. It feels like Mother/Father God has us to our rooms, to think about what we have done to ourselves, each other and the planet. And while we’ve been having this massive time-out, many of us are having uncomfortable feelings and awkward awakenings. I certainly am.

What if it’s all about energy and vibration, not actions?

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If we are to survive and thrive during this unprecedented time of political, social and economic upheaval, we need a new way of looking at the world. My spiritual teachers help me to think about what is going on in terms of energy and vibration, and not about actions. What if everything going on now is really just different kinds of individual and collective energies swirling around? I have come to realise that the energies and emotions that I connect or attach to determine my reality.

(Source: Chart of Consciousness, Dr. David Hawkins.)

Of course, we need to honour whenever we are experiencing our emotions, whatever they may be. Name them, experience them, then share the experience constructively with others. But what separates the women and men from the girls and boys is what we do with these emotions.

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Okay, I’ll admit it: It’s challenging for me to embrace the fact that we are all brothers and sisters, not friends and enemies. But if we want to live happily during this global reset, I invite you to move away from dualistic thinking that says there are “those like me” and “those not like me”. Light workers and those on a spiritual path need to be especially vigilant in this regard.

Please don’t be hating on anyone or anything right now. It is energetic and spiritual suicide for you, and could kill the planet. Let’s look at the Chart of Consciousness. The numbers on the left are estimates in hertz (hz, or cycles per second) of different emotions and states of being. The lower the number, the denser and darker the vibration. The Law of Attraction states that like energy attracts like. So when I am choosing to be in the vibration of anger (150hz), in effect I am broadcasting that signal out into the world. And guess what? If I’m broadcasting at 150hz, I’m going to connect with and experience other energies that are also at 150hz. And THAT, my friends, begins to manifest in our reality. Boom.

Let’s talk some more about fear and anger, because I am experiencing them everywhere. Peoples’ responses to a given situation may be connected to a completely separate unhealed trauma. So please don’t respond to fear and anger with fear and anger. We can choose to see them as warning flags: an invitation to pause and reflect. They show me where others are behaving in a way that is not consistent with my values. Responding from anger and fear is a lower vibrational experience. When we meet anger with anger, this lower vibration wins. We lower our resting vibration of joy (540hz) and love (500hz) to 150hz. In effect, we are choosing to play the grand final in angers’ home stadium.

Choose love over fear, and acceptance over anger. Enlightened leaders like Gandhi and Martin Luther King met anger and hatred with non-violent, loving energies and actions. So let’s set the intention to change our thinking and automatic responses. Here are 9 mindful steps that will help you to stay in powerful, high vibrational, healing emotions: 1. When you experience any dis-ease, always pause and breathe. I try and say “ouch” and “wow” as an acknowledgment that I am sensing something powerful, dense and dark. What are you experiencing in your body? Try and name your feelings. 2. Ask yourself: What behaviours are others demonstrating that may make me feel this way? What does this tell me about my own values? For example, if I

reacting strongly, does this inform me of my core value of peaceful demonstration? 3. Are any of your core fears being triggered? For me, they are feelings that I am going to lose what I have, or not get what I want. Make a list of your fears. 4. Are your negative core beliefs activated? For me, they are the old ideas that I’m not enough and there’s not enough. This is scarcity thinking. Write down whatever comes to mind. 5. Let’s be courageous now and look at our “shadow” or darker selves. When you see behaviour that you find objectionable, ask yourself: “Where have I exhibited this same behaviour?” For example: “Where do I have fundamentalist beliefs or inflexible opinions? Where do I hate? Where am I intolerant of others?” 6. How does this energy feel? Is it heavy, dark or dense? Refer to the chart. It’s probably low vibrational and poisonous to my soul. 7. Now let’s shift gears from understanding the problem to focusing on a high vibrational response. Start by thinking of 3 things that you are grateful for in your life. These don’t have to be related to the situation. 8. Ask yourself: What would Love do in this situation? If this feels too esoteric, what would Mother Theresa do? Would she respond to anger with anger? To fear with fear? Write down the potential loving options in this situation. 9. Say the affirmation: “I choose to act in a way that supports the greatest good of all involved.” Only then do you respond. When we step back and reflect, what we are really witnessing now are the deaththroes of a lower-vibrational, thirddimensional world. And here’s a spoiler alert: Regardless of what we do, love will win. It just depends how long it takes us as a collective to remember this. So let’s all contribute to a new and loving world by being the change that we want to see in the world. And in my experience, choosing to vibrate in the energies of acceptance, love, joy and peace just feels so much better. Try it; you’ll like it.

Namaste, Family.

am witnessing mob violence and

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EARTH By Renée McCready Lady Pachamama, Earth Wisdom Keeper

Trees as Teachers -The Standing People, Our Wise Old Elders

““Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky” - Kahlil Gibran When you walk in a forest, what energy do you feel? Is it magical, mystical, primordial? Does it hold a story connected to the old ways? Does it make you want to breathe deeply and stand still? I observe trees as a pure protective force. Their canopy of branches reaches up to the sky, acting like a conductor on earth for the universal source energies. Their roots reach deep into the earth and tap into the wellspring of ancestral stories from time immemorial.

I see trees as caretakers of life, record holders, wise elders and storytellers. If trees are storytellers, what is your relationship and story with a certain tree or particular species of trees? For a moment, think back to when you were a child. Did you ever climb a tree in your own backyard, at school, or in the park? Did you sit up in its’ highest branches, giving you a different vantage point of the land below? Did you ever sit under a certain tree whilst its canopy protected you from the rain or the sun? Did you ever notice the dappled light playing and dancing through the branches? How did this make you feel?

What tree felt like a grandfather to you, quietly but strongly holding space for your own growth? This month, my intent is to weave some narrative of my personal experience connected to the power trees can represent in one’s own life. I grew up in the Wakatipu, in a town called Queenstown, in New Zealand. Invasive species of conifer, wilding pine and fir created endless vistas and covered the hills around the town. As a child this comforted me. They indeed were my grandfathers; I felt held and protected. I never felt alone wandering through the many pine forests, building huts, collecting the fallen needles to lay on, listening to the sounds of the birds nesting. The smell of pine resin is still a soothing balm to my soul. It holds and evokes all my childhood memories in its’ pinene and limonene scent. The summer I finished high school, I hitched the distance from my home in the south island to the north island, to sit in the presence of the grandfather tree of my motherland New Zealand, Tané Mahuta. Also known as

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God of the Forest, this giant Kauri is the largest and oldest known tree in New Zealand, and the world. It is estimated to be between 1,250 and 2,500 years old. Legend says that Tané Mahuta is the “separator of heaven and earth”, a sacred tree that holds ancient stories, a living library. Time stands still when you are in the presence of this majestic being. A tree not only holds space and stories. It is also home to many insects, reptiles, birds, microscopic bugs, bacteria and other creatures. Trees provide us with wood for warmth and shelter. They create symbiotic relationships with other ancient and profound plant beings like moss and lichen.

Even from a purely chemical perspective, a symbiotic relationship exists between trees and humans. Humans breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, while trees breathe in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. So we are in constant communion with the natural world, even if we are unaware of it. There is a theory called the “Biophilia hypothesis”. It suggests that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life. Biophilic experiences can reduce stress, improve cognitive function, and enhance mood and creativity. These and other


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set out to find. Whichever way you find your sacred tree, the greater forest totem reminds us that all trees are always interconnected, through no time-space. And if you find yourself in a different place from your childhood sacred tree, you can always seek another and ask the spirit of your childhood sacred tree to also be present.

outcomes can increase health and well-being. “Forest bathing”, or shinrin-yoku as the Japanese call it, is the art of taking in the forest through all five senses. It has recently gained some popularity. In his book Forest Bathing: How Trees Can Help You Find Health and Happiness, Dr. Qing Li, chairman of the Japanese Society for Forest Medicine, lays out the science behind the practice. He explains that spending time in the forest is so healing because trees release phytoncides, natural oils that protect the plants from bacteria, insects, and fungi. These phytoncides linger in the forest air and when humans inhale them, they receive a whole host of benefits. For instance, benefits may include a boosted immune system, lower levels of stress hormones, reduced blood pressure, decreased anger, greater creativity, improved problem-solving skills and better sleep at night. What’s more, Li found that you only have to spend two hours per month in the forest to reap the benefits.

We all have a sacred tree, one that represents a spirit that can link us into the greater cosmos. A sacred tree is a grounding influence that can constantly remind us of our connection to the great mystery. A sacred tree is sometimes a tree from our childhood, one we come across quite by accident or one we intentionally

When I was a child, I would visit two sacred trees in the Queenstown Botanical Gardens: a Monkey Puzzle and a Giant California Redwood. These trees are etched into my memory. I always honour their spirit because they are my ancestors from the land where I took my first breath. If I ever see a Monkey Puzzle or a California Redwood, I’m immediately transported though timeless space to the feeling residing in my cells, that the spirit of these trees held for me as a child. Sacred trees become guides to us throughout our lives, much like other spirit guides or ancestors do. Forests are supported by mother trees. These are the trees that are tasked with carrying nature’s ancient genetic memory forward. Mother trees hold the seed that will create a healthy biodiversity. They also send nutrients and information to other trees in the forest that are unwell or needing assistance. They are constantly in service to the greater forest totem energy. Nearly all ancient cultures held that trees were sacred. Druids believed that trees held nature spirits and nymphs called dryads, elemental beings that you could commune with. They believed that the trees held wisdoms of the universe, so they would make offering, ceremony and prayer to the trees. Many trees also hold sacred medicine that assists great awakenings both personally and collectively. These sacred medicines have been revered through time by shamans in many countries around the world. My personal story deeply connects to the standing people. I am a forest dweller. We live nestled in the middle of a greater forest intelligence, an ecosystem that we are but one intrinsic part of. Over time, the forest has guided us lovingly to “unlearn” what we were taught, and show us more authentic and sustainable ways to live.

A conversation with a forest will change your life. It will link you into your primal self, your wild and true mystic. Even Buddha found enlightenment beneath a tree. They are beyond any doubt our wise old elders, reminding us that we are always protected. Trees gift us an understanding of being present, being steadfast, and never losing our sense of wonder.

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Lady Pachamama’s

Ritual to Awaken Your Connection to Your Sacred Tree Find a local forest or garden, take a walk around your neighbourhood, green spaces or local botanical gardens. Slow down your presence as you’re walking and just quietly observe. Breathe in the life force of the trees around you. Discover the feeling that resides inside you as you explore this connection to the tree people, to your own breath, to your life-force and the actual process of just slowing down. Touch the trees. If you can walk barefoot; do so. Dwell in the space for a time, and see which tree draws you in, like a friend calling to you. You will just know, so trust the feeling. Touch the tree with your hand and introduce yourself. Close your eyes and take a moment to feel the connection back to your hand. See if any images, memories, insights or even just a feeling becomes present to you. Once you have found your sacred tree, thank the tree for the connection. Let the tree know you will come visit again. Take note of the species of tree, and even do a little research to learn more about the tree and their ancestral history, magic or medicine offerings. Next time you visit your tree, take an offering with you. Bring a little cacao, a little crystal, some flowers or a little natural hand-made object. Place the offering on or at the base of your sacred tree. Make the time to sit with your sacred tree, meditate or even just take a book and a flask of tea and hang out with your tree, like you would a friend or a loved one. Allow your body to absorb its’ gifts and medicine offerings. Ask if you can take a leaf for your home altar. Always offer a payer and deep gratitude before you leave. Know that as you sit with this sacred tree, you can call in the spirit of your childhood sacred trees also. Try to create a long-term relationship with your sacred tree, allow yourself to be a student of the tree, an initiate of its ancient knowledge and healing gifts.

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Empowered Healing Transforming Through Self Awareness

By Karina Barca

FEMALE SEXUALITY… SHHH Sexuality. Is it taboo? Does secrecy and judgment still surround this topic? Or have we achieved a level of acceptance that goes beyond that programming, conditioning and thought? Hmmm… Many people automatically think sexuality is just about sex or sexual orientation. But there is so much more substance to it than that. Sexuality encompasses such a large array of factors, such as: • How you feel as a woman, and how comfortable you are within yourself in that role and within your relationships. • How connected you feel to yourself on a deep core level, and your feminine energy. • How you perceive and see yourself in general. • Your confidence, self-esteem, self-respect, and

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self-love also play an enormous role in this. So, as you can see, there are many facets to a person’s sexuality. For many women (especially teenagers and young adults), it is difficult to get clear on being a woman who knows and is comfortable in her own sexuality. This is due to there being so many false perceptions around this topic. The main factors lie in the programming and conditioning we are exposed to and taught in our upbringing, in society, and through all social media platforms. We are constantly shown and told the extremely superficial viewpoint of what we must look like, and how we must act or behave to be desirable and sexy. And it is usually so we can be that for someone else, not ourselves! So, how do we achieve this level of connection and acceptance within ourselves?

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to try and make all these observations with as much objectiveness as possible, so as not to get emotionally charged and blur the truth in what you are discovering about yourself. But in saying that, it is also quite common to have emotional release during these observations. Especially if you realise that you are not being true to yourself. For instance, accepting words or behaviours that are belittling, sexist or disrespectful and that do not align with you and your core morals and values.

absolutely nothing wrong with self-exploration and selfpleasure. It is a natural part of our relationship with ourself. It allows you to recognise and acknowledge yourself in a different light. To be playful, adventurous and develop self-intimacy, and feel sexy and fiery for you and no one else. Knowing what makes you tick and what feels good to you physically, by trying it and turning yourself on, is very freeing and powerful. It allows YOU to know yourself first. For you and only you.

Although you can do all the above-mentioned observations on your own, this usually requires deep inner work. Assistance and guidance can help tremendously and are highly recommended.

Once you develop the awareness, do the inner work and overcome all judgements, emotions and feelings that make you uncomfortable, you can achieve a wonderful level of connectedness and being comfortable in your own skin.

This could be in the form of: • Energy healing. • Spiritual guidance and selfdevelopment. • Counselling.

Well, firstly it takes awareness and an undoing of all the years of programming. It requires you to look at yourself. Pay close attention to your emotions and how you feel in certain situations and scenarios, and which emotions they provoke in you. When you are getting dressed, whether it be for work, a date, dinner or clubbing with friends, who are you dressing for? Also observing how you are treated and how you respond. This is a crucial step, as it allows you to become aware of what you accept and/or what you do not accept. This ties in directly with your own self-respect, self-esteem and self-love. It is particularly important

• Tantric breathing exercises or classes. Just to name a few. Being comfortable in your own sexuality also requires you to explore. Yes, there is a sexual aspect to this. But not in the way you may think. An important part of this journey requires self-exploration, through touching and feeling and being comfortable within yourself to do so. Doing this can be quite uncomfortable and confrontational for many. It can be met with feelings of guilt, judgement, and feeling dirty or trampy.

You may discover a new relationship with yourself, and build a deeper understanding of what being a woman means to you. By knowing yourself on an intimate level, you can reach a higher level of sexual selfacceptance that will allow you to dress, feel and carry yourself with a newfound confidence. You can either voice or walk away from situations that make you feel less or disrespected. You should also recognise that everything you see that is desirable in others, is also within you. You begin to do things for you, and the rest will just be, because you will know the woman that you are. You will be a walking fiery Goddess that oozes her own sexuality, from the inside out, just because you SEE and KNOW yourself like no one else.

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L-Plate Witch

Witchy Wonderings with Meg

Responsible witchcraft

IMAGE © AngellozOlga / Adobe Stock

Because it’s not all wands and wishes

Just over a decade ago, I considered myself footloose and fancy free: no kids, no pets and family interstate. I was untethered – a bit of a tumbleweed – and I thought that was a good thing. I called it, “bohemian”. Shambolic, more like it. Words like discipline and structure were anathema to me, and the last thing I wanted was responsibility. Hell, I couldn’t be trusted with a Siamese fighting fish. It turns out though that I thrive on discipline, structure and ties to community, friends and family. I’m a house cat, not a lone wolf. So, how does that fit with being a solitary witch? I’ll answer that in two seconds, but first, a caveat. There’s about a gazillion definitions of magic and just as many ways of practicing it. So, I’m speaking very much for myself. If any of this doesn’t float your boat – that’s totally cool.

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My flavour of witchcraft is nature-based. I’m watching the seasons turn in my neighbourhood and rolling with the cycle of the moon. I greet the sun before brekkie and bid farewell to lady luna at the end of the day. I engage in ritual often, but spell-work for wish fulfilment not so much. You’re more likely to catch me asking for opportunities to be of service and for guidance about how I can be helpful that day (or more broadly). For instance, when it became clear that we’d be in the throes of a pandemic, I spread cards asking for direction about how best to be helpful. In short, I try my darnedest to practice witchcraft responsibly. Not all witches align themselves with that as a guiding principle, and they don’t have to. But it is my bag, and here’s a little look at what’s in it.

Sustainability I’ll start with the easier stuff. First up – compost, but make it magic. I have a worm farm on our tiny back porch and I drew sigils on the inside of the lid. These are magical symbols asking for protection for our plants, the earth and to turn my brown thumb green. I think they’re working too, because we have a thriving mini-magical ecosystem. Our chubby earthworms make worm tea to feed the herbs (nettles, parsley, three types of mint, rosemary and lemon balm), which grow ridiculously lush. I whisper to them, asking for permission to harvest. I take only what I need and never more than a third of a plant. You can find them in our house – tiny cuttings go in egg cups and bigger ones in jars on my altar. They dry on our clothes rack. Cuttings are cultivated in the kitchen window. Others appear in dinners, baking, teas, tisanes, poppets and charm bags. This one stings a bit. I love shiny, colourful things. So, naturally, I love crystals and in witchcraft we can use them a lot. However, when we know better, we do better. So, I understand now that crystals are not necessarily mined ethically or with regard to the earth’s best interests. It doesn’t mean I’m going to throw out my stash, but I’m not acquiring any more unless I pick them up off the ground myself when I’m out rambling. That said, you can definitely purchase them from places that do source them with sustainability in mind. This one hurts too, because I dig on the smell and I love burning stuff. However, I’m not buying white sage when I need to get a smoke on to cleanse myself or a space anymore. I’m not going to go into this one chapter and verse, because you can look it up, but there’re cultural and ecological reasons against an Aussie, ginger witch doing it. Also, I can just as easily use lavender, rosemary or pine (some of which I can snip from my own garden, which makes it oh, so much more satisfying). My next challenge is to buy less stuff. Books are my weakness and I love a new witchcraft tome. There’re plenty of occult books at the library, though. I just need to be patient. Or, E-books in a pinch.

Volunteering Maybe volunteering isn’t something that springs readily to mind when it comes to witch business. However, as an archetype, the witch is a rebel and activist. So far, I’ve mostly emphasised the “craft” in witchcraft in this department, as opposed to storming the walls. For instance, I pearled up a storm when Melbourne’s esoteric emporium Muses of Mystery played host to a knitting and sewing extravaganza earlier this year. We were making pouches for wildlife injured and orphaned in the bushfires. Each stitch was a wish. Quite literally, knot magic. A fortnight later, I ran a knita-thon at my muggle job. No one needed to know that I was still spelling away, quietly.

Body and soul I am responsible. That’s on a sign at one of my community gatherings. I take it to extend to what I eat, drink and think, all of which can be sprinkled with magic too. When you can find magic in the mundane, you start to elevate the every day to the level of spiritual. That said, I am privileged in that I can afford good food, clean water and a shrink. With that backdrop, I eat food that won’t inflame my system or make me ratty. I’ve learned from experience that if I ingest certain things, I feel gross, so I don’t. Moreover, I prepare food with love. I stir kisses and good health into what I’m cooking. Foods have magical as well as medicinal correspondences, so maybe I’ll add rose buds to a tea if I’m needing a bit of extra self-acceptance or lavender for sweet slumber. Right now, the earth’s need is overwhelming. That can make me feel helpless if I dwell on it for too long. So, I operate on a micro level. All of the above are small things, but they’re within my control. It’s these tiny things that I can do all day, every day, and that’s empowering.

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As we move into the time of Scorpio, the water energy begins to flow. This is the time of contrast between the light and the shadow. Scorpio is a feminine and fixed water energy. It is ruled by both Pluto, the planet of death, transformation and rebirth, along with Mars, the planet of goals, desires and action. Transformation, death, rebirth, universal power, manifestation, depth, intensity and destruction for construction will be the themes we will work through during the time of Scorpio between the 23rd October and the 22nd November 2020.




By Lana F. Jackson

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As the planets interact, the energy is deep and intense, perceptive, intuitive, emotional, magnetic and working with universal power. Honouring what lies beneath that is both positive and challenging, but doing so, leads to the union of the self, power, purpose, focus and manifestation. The body of water that represents Scorpio is the river. When the river is flowing, it is powerful with an undercurrent that has the ability to take everything with it. When it is stagnant, it has the ability to consume everything that enters its depths. As a water sign, understanding emotions is the nature of the Scorpion mission and whilst fixed in nature, it is always flowing. It is also associated with psychic energy, instincts and intuition, relating to deep connections within and working with the shadow. Through understanding and working with emotions on a deeper level, Scorpion energy offers the opportunity to master the mystery of what lies beneath in our subconscious and unconscious minds. Represented by the Scorpion, it unites a calm sense of fearlessness and the ability to protect when threatened on the physical plane. From a spiritual perspective, Scorpio is also represented by the Eagle and the Phoenix. The eagle, for its ability to see from greater heights. The Phoenix, for its ability to honour

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the quest from dark to light by transforming though death and rebirth. The parts of the body ruled by Scorpio are the eyes and the genitals. The eyes are the windows of the soul and the genitals are the base of our deep connection within and expression of pleasure. The evolutionary path of Scorpio is to awaken and grow through honouring and working through inner conflict to embrace personal power. This can often lead to a path of destruction in the name of construction. Staying focused on purpose creates the ability to pivot from one plan to another to achieve goals and desires. As a magnetic energy, Scorpio energy is strongly connected with manifestation and Universal power. It attracts the resources it requires for education and growth, including people, places and material possessions.

The month of Scorpio will highlight what we have been calling in through desire, focus, transformation and self-acceptance. This is the Universal prompt to direct our attention to move through the depth and intensity that lies within, by honouring ourselves and trusting that we are worthy of receiving what we are calling into our lives. The Moon, planet of emotions, intuition, the subconscious and soul memory, begins its path in Scorpio through challenging energy of Aquarius. It will highlight emotions around detachment, social interaction and the big picture between the 24th and 26th October. Emotions will lighten up when the Moon moves into Pisces between the 26th and 28th October, amplifying positive energy and synchronicity with soul connections, purpose, psychic energy, empathy and compassion. The Taurus Full Moon, opposing the Sun in Scorpio on the 1st November

Pay attention to your gut instinct and intuition when the Moon moves into Cancer between the 6th November; the energy will be positive and centred around home and family and soul family connections. Make the most of this opportunity to really feel into the nurturing you require to honour yourself in the process. The Moon moving into Leo on the 9th November brings emotional tests and potential self-sabotage patterns around ego, personal and creative expression. This energy will shift into a more complimentary and positive state, when the Moon moves into Virgo on the 11th November, concentrating on work and service to others through analysis, attention to details and implementation. The New Moon in Scorpio on the 15th November at 4:07pm (AEDT), lining up with the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio will amplify emotional depth, intensity and transformation. This new lunar cycle is known as the manifesting Moon, presenting the opportunity to truly feel into your desires and work with the Universe to manifest them into your reality. The Moon moving into Capricorn on the 20th November will shine a positive light on career, finance, authority and responsibility. Make the most of this energy and take the initiatives that are in alignment with your personal direction. Mercury Retrograde in Libra heads direct on 28th October at 12:34pm (AEDT). Thoughts, ideas and communication will be tested around interpersonal relationships, balance and fairness as we continue working with the stellium of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This energy is both powerful and karmic. Try not to over analyse it all as Mercury’s energy intensifies when it moves into Scorpio on the 11th November at 8:55am (AEDT) and opens the channels of communication for innovation and humanity at large. This is a time to trust your instincts and ask a lot more questions to find the right answers. Venus, the planet of love, beauty and material possessions moves into its ruling sign of Libra on the 28th October at 12:41pm, magnifying our focus on balance, equality, peace and harmony in relationships on all levels. In Libra, Venus helps us to analyse and identify who and what we value and appreciate. The focus is around our interpersonal connections and our ideas of beauty. In the final days of Scorpio, Venus will move into Scorpio on the 22nd November at 0:22am (AEDT), highlighting the depth and intensity of relationships on all levels. This energy will build on everything you have explored around relationships, peace and harmony and give you the opportunity to remain committed to the people in your life, or the space to separate yourself to

continue your personal and professional growth. Mars, the planet of goals and desires heads direct in Aries on the 15th November at 11:36am (AEDT). Connecting with the energy of Scorpio, it’s time to entertain the reality of bringing your goals and desires into your life. Both Scorpio and Aries combined connect with the power of leadership and the leadership of power. Working with this energy in a positive manner will assist you with taking the right action at the right time and achieving success. Patience is also a virtue at this time. With Venus sitting in the opposition of Libra and the stellium of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, there will be tests around taking the right action and with whom.

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at 1:49am (AEDT), will facilitate the energy of personal power for building and working with universal power for manifestation. Igniting emotional energy around personal power, safety, security, practicality, structure, building and finance. This is a time to focus on growth and laying the right foundations, in order to construct and experience. Everything happens for a reason and of all the Full Moons we experience, this one will have you on the edge of your seat to feel empowered or disempowered.

Jupiter and Saturn remain in Capricorn this month and compliment Scorpion energy in every way. The expanding, wise, educational and benevolent energy of Jupiter will be amplified as the energy of Scorpio hovers the magnifying glass over all areas of transformation and regeneration through the depths of who we are and what we are here to do. Career, status, authority, responsibility, business, finance and karmic lessons will also rise to the surface to inspire and encourage through Saturn. Working with the manifesting energy of Scorpio, Saturn’s position in Capricorn will highlight the need for self-discipline in the tasks at hand in your career, to set you in the right direction according to your definition of success. Uranus, the planet of innovation, technology and unconventional change remains Retrograde in the opposite sign of Taurus. The foundations and structures of society, politics, money and finance are undergoing radical changes. Taurus is the sign on construction, whilst Scorpio is the sign of destruction. The way in which we have developed traditions of the past will be pulled apart and examined at great depth, to identify how we can maximise the potential of our resources and dismiss those that are no longer useful. Neptune, the planet of spiritual connection, influence of the masses and imagination remains Retrograde in Pisces. In the dignity of its ruling sign, Pisces, Neptune is calling us to connect our spirituality to a power that lies within us as a natural resource. This is a time to work with our instincts, honour our intuitive insights and connect with our soul’s purpose to respond and rise to the levels we were meant to achieve in this life. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio and the planet of transformation and regeneration, remains in Capricorn this month. This will pull back the curtain on responsibility, authority, finance, status and karmic lessons globally, helping us to reflect inward to understand our own power, control and Universal power to complete the transformation and regeneration of what lies beneath in all of us. As we draw to the close of Scorpio for 2020, the energy is preparing to move into the time of Sagittarius on the 22nd November 2020 at 7:40am. Sagittarius is sign of silence and the seeker of wisdom, truth and personal potential. Fierce Truths Magazine


23rd October to 22nd November 2020

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Happy Birthday Scorpio! Happy Personal New Year Scorpio. Your new Solar Return is giving you the opportunity to wipe the slate clean. You have the ability to transform and regenerate. The energy will empower you to prioritise your choices. Take some time to step back and see the big picture to create positivity in your social circle. Trust your intuition and allow it to help you see who is actually supporting you. The Full Moon in your opposition of Taurus will open doors

for you to release everything that no longer serves you. Have faith in your personal power and trust in your ability to let go and create more space to receive. At times, you will feel like you are riding an

emotional rollercoaster this month. With Mercury Retrograde and Venus moving into Libra, intimate relationships will be under the microscope, encouraging you to explore your deep and passionate side. Go with the flow, Scorpio, and you might be pleasantly surprised with what comes up. If you find yourself challenging the status quo, check your ego and feel into what every situation is teaching you. What you resist persists. Pay attention to your thought patterns and connect with your intuitive feelings to really align with your compassion, empathy and balance. Patience is the key when you focus on taking action for your goals and desires when Mars heads direct on the 15th November. Everything will come to you in good time, but you can’t tug at the shoots or hasten the harvest. The New Moon in

Scorpio will set the scene for you to really work with your natural ability to magnetise your visions into reality. In this energy, the world is your oyster. Once you focus and connect to your desires, the right resources will

appear when you call them in.

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The Horoscopes you are reading have been cast according to Australian Eastern Standard Time. If you are born on the cusp of your sign, your time of birth will indicate which sign you are.


22nd November to 21st December 2020


22nd December 2019 to 21st January 2020

The energy of Scorpio can feel a bit too deep and intense for you. Exploring the depths of your personal truth and philosophy can feel too serious if you can’t see how it will expand your wisdom. Your social circle will feel like it is moving into a different direction. See this as a learning and growth opportunity. You will be gifted with new connections that will contribute personally and professionally. Avoid getting too caught up in other people’s dramas with your own version of the truth. Be supportive, but be careful how you deliver your opinions. They may not be received the way you intended. As the Full Moon peaks in Taurus, structure and security will have you rethinking your path and looking for safer options to find the right direction for you. Everything will balance out and this will help you to see which relationships create harmony or disrupt you completely. It’s important to be strategic when manifesting your goals and desires. Being impulsive could have you backtracking with the New Moon in Scorpio, bringing in the need for contemplation and focus before we move into the expansion of your Personal New Year on the 22nd November.

This is the perfect energy for contemplation and planning Capricorn. Trust your intuition and you will see how you can take the initiative to work with practical flow and ease. If you are feeling inspired, have faith in yourself and avoid taking things too seriously. Whilst your relationships may be tested as the people around you are working through their own growth, you will also be challenged to stay focused on your own direction. It’s also important to acknowledge that it’s not always your responsibility to work everything out. Allow your creative power to flow as you release during the Taurus Full Moon. This is the perfect energy for you to break down the old, and clear space to build new foundations for starting new projects. You may feel a bit challenged in communicating your thoughts and ideas for others to understand. Have patience and look for another way to create the cooperation you require to get everything happening and moving in the right direction. Everything can and will fall into place, but it really depends on how you step into your leadership to initiate your plans before we move into the time of Sagittarian expansion on the 22nd November.


21st January to 19th February 2020 Your unconventional and innovative nature will be an asset as you move through this Scorpion energy. Whilst you may feel tested, it can also propel you forward. It’s all about how you choose to perceive each situation and the actions you take as a result. Friendships and social networks will provide you with the opportunity to learn and progress. Mercury Retrograde in Libra will shed a positive light on interpersonal relationships and your ideals around fairness and justice. Negotiations and discussions regarding equality and balance will help to create a better situation for all involved. Go with the flow and make the most of the opportunity to share your message through technology and social connections. Whilst you may feel an emotional pull from the Full Moon in Taurus, make the most of this time to release any routines or patterns that have held you back. Stay focused on your big picture and be detached on the outcomes. The New Moon in Scorpio will help you to trust your intuition. Focus on finding answers within to determine the right actions for you to create everything you are committed to bringing into form, before we move into the complimentary energy of Sagittarius. Fierce Truths Magazine



19th February to 20th March 2020 This is a very positive and powerful energy that will enhance your intuitive and psychic abilities. Work with it and let it lead you in the right direction, Pisces. Healing, empathy, compassion and personal connection will all enhance your capability to help others and to make a positive impact on their lives. Consistency is the key for you to create solid foundations and build the life you have been dreaming of. The Full Moon in Taurus will assist you with identifying any out-dated or limiting beliefs that you have inherited or developed through past experience. If you’re feeling sensitive to the vibes of the people in your environment, allow yourself to distinguish what is important to you. Remember, your gut is always right. Look for the balance, don’t over think it and don’t entertain energy that isn’t yours to play with. Go with the flow if you feel a surge of energy with the New Moon in Scorpio. This energy will be very powerful for you, taking your abilities to the next level and intensifying your results. Relationships and material possessions will also be amplified, creating the space to manifest your dreams before we move into the time of Sagittarius.


20th March to 20th April 2020 If you feel a surge around your goals, desires and leadership, go with the flow, Aries. However, your mission to succeed will involve the balance of feminine energy and contemplation before you take action. Whilst the big picture is always in your sights, it’s time to pay attention to the details and who is there with you. With both Mercury Retrograde and Venus moving into your opposition of Libra, it’s a good idea to think before you act. Communicating your direction will be important for others to understand how they can work with you to get to your destination. The Full Moon in Taurus will help you to clarify your path and release any undesirable distractions. Over-sensitive people around you can leave you feeling challenged. It’s a good idea to connect with your feelings to understand how you can take the initiative to help them. Mars, your ruling planet, heading direct will set you on your path to expand on your desires and help others to achieve their goals through your leadership. It’s time to really step it up, Aries, and get ready to expand on this further as we move into the positive energy of Sagittarius next month.


20th April to 20th May 2020 The saying, “Opposites attract because they can see what they like and dislike in each other” is appropriate this month. Scorpion energy is your polar opposite and just as fixed as you are. However, in the opposition, you will also see the balance and room for movement that you have been calling in. Whilst your earthy energy is focused on building, structure, working with your five senses and personal power, Scorpio’s water energy is focused on destruction, flow, connecting with the 6th sense and universal power. Although this energy may feel challenging, it’s a good idea to identify how it is supporting you to let go of what no longer serves you in your comfort zone. The Full Moon is full in your sign. It will help you to release any old routines or patterns that have left you feeling stuck in the past. Trust your intuition and work with your 6th sense to identify how you can expand on your goals and desires. The New Moon will support you to create the balance of your personal power to manifest your desire with this prominent universal energy. It’s time to stop resisting yourself, Taurus, and embody your visions to move forward.


20th May to 21st June 2020 Do what you do best and make the most of the opportunity to have deeper conversations with the people who matter to you. You might be surprised by what you learn and how you can help where it’s needed. If you’re feeling like a wet blanket has been thrown over you, take this as a sign to have some empathy and compassion for yourself. You are always there for everyone else and this is one of the beautiful qualities that you possess. However, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Make the time to honour yourself and book that massage or pampering session in. The Full Moon in Taurus will give you an indication of how you can release any emotions or limiting beliefs that are standing in your way. When you have those intuitive insights and they feel right, don’t over-think them, act on them. Mars moving direct in Aries will have you on your toes and focused on the right direction for you. The Universe is giving you the green light to really concentrate on manifesting the right people and resources to share your journey before we move into your opposition of Sagittarius on the 22nd November.

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21st June to 22nd July 2020 If you are feeling a surge in your intuition, go with it and feel the feels. It’s all about perspective, Cancer. This is a really positive time to embrace the feminine water energy of Scorpio and swim with the current, instead of against it. As Mercury Retrograde and Venus both move into Libra, everyone will be diving deep into their own needs and wants. Remember that it’s not your responsibility to fix everything for everyone. Encourage them to take responsibility for themselves and support them while they do. Make the most of the Full Moon in Taurus to release any out-dated thoughts and feelings that have held you back in the past. You are being supported to work with your intuition and nurture yourself, so that you can achieve the perfect balance for you. Manifestation happens when we are specific and willing to receive. Mars heading direct in Aries may leave you feeling like you’re stuck. You’re a natural leader, Cancer, so take the right initiatives for you and trust that everyone will follow. Pay attention to your gut instinct with the New Moon in Scorpio. Your gut is always right. If it feels aligned, you’re on the right track.


22nd July to 23rd August 2020


23rd August to 22nd September 2020


22nd September to 22rd October 2020

There comes a time when you have to step back and look at where you are heading before you embark on a new journey. Scorpion energy can leave you feeling like every way you turn has a challenge attached to it. But, this is happening for you, not to you. This is a great time to clear your head and focus on the most productive way to stand out in the crowd through your individuality and creativity. Breakthroughs in relationships will help you to see who is working with you and who is teaching you. Don’t take it to heart Leo. It’s important that you are not standing your ground for the sake of your pride. Karmic lessons help you grow through experience. The Taurus Full Moon will assist you to release any limiting beliefs you have around building wealth and security. If something no longer feels right, then let it go, regardless of the amount of work you have done. Set your sights high when Mars heads direct in Aries by cooperating with the New Moon in Scorpio. It will facilitate the energy for you to recognise your worth before we move into the positive fiery time of Sagittarius.

Whilst healing, work and service to others is your key focus, it’s time to work with your intuition and trust. Scorpion energy is very complimentary for you to work with in a way that achieves a balance all round. Don’t hold back on asking the Universe for what you want, especially if it will assist you with the work you do. It’s really important not over analyse how everything will happen. Just trust and know what your desire to have is absolutely perfect and everything will align for you. You’ve got this, Virgo, now let the Universe deliver the goods. The Full Moon in Taurus will allow you to flush anything that is toxic in your life, and that includes people. You are here to contribute to the lives of others, but it’s not your responsibility to live it for them. Your support is enough. The New Moon in Scorpio will help you to facilitate new thoughts and ideas, and to put them into action to do what you love and love what you do. This energy is ripe for you to receive, and this is a good time to be specific, Virgo, before we move into the expansive energy of Sagittarius.

As you settle into your new personal year, your relationship with yourself will be the main area for you to manifest your ideas around innovation and change. If something or someone is no longer in alignment, then trust that it is happening for a reason. The Full Moon in Taurus will help you to see the beauty in releasing and letting go, so that you can create the space for more stability and alignment in your life across the board. Try not to let your emotions hold you back from doing what you have to do, when the timing is right for you. This is a great time for you to stand out in the crowd with your creativity and individuality. With Mars heading direct in Aries, your opposition, goals and desires, action and leadership will be up for review. If you are feeling any resistance, look for another way to take some initiative in the direction that is right for you. The New Moon in Scorpio is creating space for you to fill it with your dreams. This is the perfect time to receive what you desire, so you can expand on this further in the time of Sagittarius.

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