Hallo-week Day 3: Nacho Libre

Hallo-week Day 3: Nacho Libre

Hello and welcome to day 3 of Hallo-week. Now, this costume might take comfy to the utter extreme. If you’ve ever said something along the lines of “I don’t want to dress up I would rather just wear sweatpants.” GOOD NEWS this costume is just for you. No more excuses you now have the perfect costume: Nacho Libre. I won’t be making the most iconic Nacho Libre look because it presents certain difficulties for me. Instead, I will recreate Nacho’s first Lucha Libre costume. 


You will need to borrow some Sweaaaaaats. Or buy some that will work too. You just need matching sweat pants and sweatshirt and a black ski mask. I cropped my sweatshirt to have a more authentic look. If you don’t already own sweats they are easy to find for not a lot of money. I won’t lie I have been living in this cropped sweatshirt ever since I made this costume. The ski mask was more difficult than I expected to find. I suppose I don’t live in a cold enough part of Canada for easy access to ski masks. 



I’m not sure if I have ever laughed as hard as I did while making this low-quality mash-up image. This costume was worth it just for how much joy and laughter it has brought into my life. Clearly, I am not an expert at photo editing but I can’t help but love this picture. Not as much as I love Nacho Libre but it’s a little close. 

An added benefit of this costume is that if like me you got a bit pudgy during quarantine it just adds authenticity to your costume. Get ready to yell some of your favourite Nacho Libre quotes to your friends and family. 


Happy Halloween!


Check out yesterdays costume HERE