Telephone number This number is assigned to your landline service that is linked to your account
Previous charges -this section shows the summary of your previous bill
Account number -This is a 10-digit number assigned to you. Always present this number when inquiring or when making a payment (An account number can consist of multiple telephone numbers).
Customer Tin- This is your tax identification number issued by BIR
Remaining balance from previous bill - This is the remaining balance of your previous month's total amount due less total payments and adjustments (if any) that is due immediately
Current Charges & Total Current Charges - This section shows the summary of your amount to be paid for the current billing period. It is the total Monthly Service Fee (MSF), usages, Value Added Tax and other charges (if applicable).
Payment related message - This is a payment acknowledgement message or forewarning of the credit actions to be taken for non-payment and delinquency
Due date - This "Remaining Balance from Previous Bill" is considered an "overdue" balance and must be fully paid immediately to avoid redirection or disconnection. The "Total Current Charges" must be fully paid on or before the Due Date indicated in your Statement of Account. Please note that payments made after your billing period will be reflected on your next Statement of Account
Total Amount Due - This is the sum of your balance from previous bill and current charges
Statement of Account Number - This is a distinct reference number assigned to your bill for a particular month
Payment Stub - This consist of your billing information, Amount due, due date and payment reminders. Present this when paying your PLDT bill
Watermark - This is an image of notice of either restriction, disconnection, or legal action due to non-payment and delinquency.
Message board - This shows billing or payment announcements, product advertisements and other promotions