Sonia Michaels’ Post

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Career Development Coach & Consultant (primarily Games and Tech); Game Industry Educator and Speaker. IndieCade Horizons "Excellence in Teaching" Award (2023). Former IGDA Board Member (2020-2023).

So, it's International Women's Day again. Oh, look! A pretty package of [insert whatever "self-care" product you most enjoy here] with spring blossoms on it! Oh wow, is that a "Happy International Women's Day" banner on that corporate website? I'd scream, but that might scare my cats. So, HERE IS WHAT I WANT for International Women's Day. I want to see the game industry at ALL LEVELS push back against crap like this (and please do read this excellent article by Keza MacDonald). Not just the women of the industry, either. We've been speaking up for ourselves for decades already. I want to hear ALL the executives and senior-level people of the game industry, the founders and CEOs and COOs and anything else with a C in front of it, plus the Vice Presidents of Marketing or Publicity and the Creative Directors and EVERYONE all the way up and down the chain--I want to hear them get LOUD about this, because they COMPLETELY FAILED to get loud about GamerGate a whole damn decade ago. I want to see clear, decisive statements debunking this conspiracy garbage and supporting diversity and inclusion, not mealy-mouthed both-sides-isms designed to retain the toxic jerks who make life miserable for the rest of us. Ooh and some real accountability built into those statements, as a treat. That would be great. But I won't hold my breath. In the meantime, thanks for the branded teabags, the bubble bath, and the pretty banner, I guess. 🌸

It’s 10 years since Gamergate – the industry must now stand up to far-right trolls

It’s 10 years since Gamergate – the industry must now stand up to far-right trolls

Krystal G.

Leadership, Strategy, Social Media, Community, Communications, B2B/B2C Digital Marketing, Insights, Employee Engagement & Wellbeing. Advocates for apprenticeships.


I also want to see fair and equity-driven opportunities across all levels of the games industry, it’s time for games to start investing in fair paid apprenticeships. Not enough studios offer apprenticeships outside of development or QA & there’s a heap of incredible talent they’re missing out on. The ones that do offer apprenticeships are usually promoted through PR rather than delivering quality professional experiences which leads to loss of morale & eventually increases recruitment costs as they have to re-hire for roles where individuals have understandably become disenfranchised. You are 100% correct, it’s about making change & that doesn’t come from pretty marketing efforts - it’s time to implement future investment decision-making into the now. It’s been stagnant for too long & that model evidently hasn’t worked all that well, bar a few at the top so now it’s about building better more equitable futures for all - ensuring women are given education and guidance to step into these pathways. The life science sector is seeing great improvements, it’s time for games to follow suit & stop hiding behind PR driven awards & act with integrity and authenticity. I’m proud to be advocating for Apprentice Decent Wage Pledge 🫶🏽


I see it as starting with dignity. Everyone needs to work in a place where showing dignity to each other is the baseline. That goes a long way to correcting toxic behavior. Honouring my Great Auntie, Nettie, I'll share something she said out of the blue. We were walking back from the shops and she suddenly stopped and turned to me and said "Nobody is better than me". She was not a braggart so it was completely out of character. Then she finished, "..but I'm no better than anyone else". In two sentences she illustrated our humanity. She was Scottish and took zero crap from anyone.

Bryanna L.

Real-time VFX Leader | VFX artist | People Manager | Game Developer | Consultant for Game Development, Leadership, VFX, Game Art | Mentor | Advisor | VFX Freelancer |


All of this. Thank you so much for sharing your voice here. ❤️

Tiana Oreglia

Illustration || character design || concept artist


Well said

Jessica Hill

Employer Relations at DigiPen Institute of Technology


I just want my body autonomy back and for men to do better, tbh. Thank you for being you Prof Michaels!!!

Noble Smith

Worldbuilding x-Xbox, 4x Macmillan published author, award-winning ex-playwright


Hear, hear!

Allie Weis

Ethics Coordinator in International Game Development 🕹 at Howest - Digital Arts and Entertainment


Yes, yes, and YES!!

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