
In today's technological world,  Java based content management system is popular and play a significant role in representing the website. Yo

Alfresco In today's technological world, Java based content management system is popular and play a significant role in representing the website. Yo


In today's technological world, Java based content management system is popular and play a significant role in representing the website. You were known to various content management systems based on Java makes it easy for you to develop secure applications on the go.

It is one of the top open-source content management system with portlets. The Java technologies used are

Hibernate, Spring, JSF and Lucene. In addition to a powerful content repository. This CMS includes a framework for managing standard portal content. Its interface provides file system compatibility on the unix-like operating system. The web content management system can virtualize static websites via following

·        Activity workflow

·        Apache Tomcat

·        Lucene indexing

Alfresco comes in three flavors:

Alfresco One

It is also known as end-to -end content management It includes

·        Management of scanned images,

·        Photographs

·        Videos

·        Engineering drawings.

 It's  intuitive design improves the efficiency of business processes and promotes a friendly and rewarding a user experience. It also offers robust security features to protect and control access to the data. 

Alfresco for Cloud

Alfresco offers its services on the cloud through SaaS. It enables users to access the content from any device at anytime, anywhere securely.

Alfresco Mobile

Alfresco offers free mobile app for iOS and Android smartphones & tablets that allows users to manage the content of the website while on the go.

Apart from all these, it brings a whole host of features like: Document management, web content management, repository-level versioning, records management, transparent overlays (similar to UnionFS), auto-generated XForms (with AJAX support), image management, learning content management support for learning management systems, LOR Learning Object Repository, and integrated publishing.

Alfresco CMS Pros

·        Rich collaboration tools

·        Simplified web designing for people who less tech savvy people

·        Ease of editing and managing image files

·        Get rid of additional license fees

·        Total freedom in software modification and customization to fulfill customers' needs due to Open Source license

·        Dynamic development, ease of accessing current updates and rich functionality

·        Out-of-the-box scalability

·        Compatibility with the most used operating systems like Linux & Windows

·        Full integration with popular office suites, like Microsoft Office &

Alfresco CMS Cons

·        Enrichment of the current content is not so easy, have to reload the content

·        No support for XQuery

·        Content transformation is absent

We would love to help you leverage Alfresco CMS and make the most of this amazing platform. 

Get in touch with us and tell us about your requirement

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