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Millares, Albert Kyle A.

11 - Celerio

“Tristan Café”

Tristan Café is a flash fiction literary piece

based on love. Tristan Café can be classified as a 21 st
literature piece because of its genre. Although the term
flash fiction was coined back in the 90s, it only started to
gain popularity during the 21st century because of its
ability to provide entertainment in only a short amount of
time. Tristan Café can be completely read through a
phone, making it suitable for the digital age. One of its
characteristics as a 21st literary piece is it is also free verse
compared to the traditional form of poetry. This means
that the author doesn’t have to focus on the rhythm of the
words or follow too much format. The content of the
literature can also help identify that this is a 21 st literary
piece because of the use of technology within the story.
The story has an element of surprise to offer the readers a
twist to make the flash fiction exciting. With its extreme
brevity, it also challenges the reader where they must
analyze the story to fully understand it.

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