Whedon Readies Sci-Fi Web Musical, Dr. Horrible

Can’t wait until 2009’s Dollhouse debut for your next fix from Joss Whedon? You may not have to. The nerd scribe has plans to release Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, a three-part internet musical about a low-rent supervillain trying to woo a girl, defeat his nemesis and gain entry into the Evil League of Evil. "It’s […]

Can't wait until 2009's Dollhouse debut for your next fix from Joss Whedon? You may not have to.

The nerd scribe has plans to release *Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, *a three-part internet musical about a low-rent supervillain trying to woo a girl, defeat his nemesis and gain entry into the Evil League of Evil.

"It's an idea I had a while ago, that I thought would be just right for a weird little internet venture," Whedon told Sci Fi Wire. "I wrote it with my brothers
[Zack and Jed Whedon] and my brother [Jed's] fiancee [Maurissa
Tancharoen] and somehow got the best actors I know to just jump in, which was very scary for all of us."

Whedon wrote Dr. Horrible during the Hollywood writer's strike, and pulled in Neil Patrick Harris to play the title character. Nathan Fillion of Firefly plays Dr. Horrible's foe, Captain Hammer, and Felicia Day of Buffy the Vampire Slayer plays the love interest.* *

"He's in a unique position. He has a huge fan base," said Day, who created gamer-centric webseries The Guild. "It could be huge for him to release an internet series." Day said she thought Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog would be out before Comic-Con at the end of July, but that "no plans were finalized."

Sci-Fi Wire reports that Whedon anticipates his sci-fi sing-a-long will first appear online, and then likely as a release on iTunes and DVD.

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