Eastern Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming – Custom Sport Climbing Trip


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Sport climbing at the Bermuda Triangle, South Piney Creek Canyon

Explore the best of sport climbing in the Eastern Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming

We offer custom guided sport climbing in numerous locations in the eastern Bighorn Mountains of northern Wyoming.  Lesser known than neighboring Ten Sleep Canyon, the limestone crags of the eastern Bighorns offer an incredible assortment of world class sport climbing routes in a less crowded environment.  The three areas with the highest concentration of high quality sport climbs are Steamboat Point, South Piney Creek Canyon, Crazy Woman Canyon and Cliffs.  If you’re looking for a more secluded experience exploring some of the best, lesser known sport climbing areas in the state, a custom sport climbing trip to the Eastern Bighorns is for you!

Why climb in the Eastern Bighorns with us:

Our rock climbing guides are experienced professionals, talented climbers, and well-trained teachers.  They are also humble, personable, and overall great humans to be around in the mountains.  Our guides are adept at providing safe, supportive, and inclusive climbing experiences for people of all backgrounds and ability levels.  Many of our rock climbing guides live and climb in the region throughout the summer, which is a major advantage because they know the areas they guide extremely well.  Being based in the region also minimizes travel for our guides, which makes our service more affordable than our competitors and reduces our carbon footprint.

Favorite places to climb in the Eastern Bighorns:

Sport climbing at the Shipyard in South Piney Creek Canyon

  • South Piney Creek Canyon – South Piney Creek Canyon near Story, Wyoming is the preeminent sport climbing destination of the Eastern Bighorns.  Piney has a short approach, high quality routes with grades from 5.3 to 5.13, and a beautiful, secluded setting.  The canyon also features some of the most aesthetic panels of steep, juggy limestone in the state such as the Bermuda Triangle Wall shown above.

Sport climbing at Steamboat Point

  • Steamboat Point – Steamboat Point near Highway 14 is a highly aesthetic outcrop of vertical limestone with a high concentration of both moderate single pitch and multipitch routes.  The breathtaking views of the northern Bighorns coupled with enjoyable climbing on interesting routes makes Steamboat a must-do for the area.

Sport climbing in Crazy Woman Canyon

  • Crazy Woman Canyon – Crazy Woman Canyon south of Buffalo, Wyoming is an excellent crag for both the introductory and intermediate sport climber.  There is an excellent variety of routes ranging from roadside moderates to more challenging rope-stretching pitches at the 5.10-5.11 grades.  In addition to the quality climbing, the canyon is an incredibly enjoyable place to spend time exploring its unique water-worn rock formations and pleasant creek-side atmosphere.
Trip Itineraries and Rates:
  • 1 Day Itinerary 

Cost: 1 person – $375; 2 people – $625

Our 1 day custom sport climbing itinerary is a great option if you only have a single day to climb but you want to make the most of it!  Your guide will work with you to select some exciting objectives (typically area classics) that are appropriate for your skill and fitness levels and that feature fun, high quality climbing on good rock. Our primary objective with this trip is providing a safe and highly rewarding sport climbing experience that you will remember for many years to come!

  • 2 Day Itinerary 

Cost: 1 person – $350/day; 2 people – $550 /day

Our 2 day custom sport climbing itinerary is a full-value experience for those looking for an action-packed two days of guiding in one of the best sport climbing venues in the country.  Your guide will coordinate with you to choose exciting objectives that align with your climbing goals and are well-suited to your skill level. Generally people like to choose several moderate objectives for day 1 to work on technique and streamline their systems followed by more challenging objectives on day 2 to push themselves on harder climbs.

  • 3 Day or More Itinerary

Cost: 1 person: $300/day, 2 people: $475/day

This is our most popular custom sport climbing itinerary by far!  Our 3-4 day itinerary is an excellent option if you’re looking to really progress in your climbing and explore a variety of climbs in the Bighorns.  Your guide will work with you to select objectives for each day that align with your climbing goals and appropriate for your skill level.  We suggest climbing in as many different crags over the course of your trip in order to experience the incredible variety of terrain the area has to offer.  We also highly recommend scheduling at least one rest day after two days of climbing in order to recharge for the rest of your trip.

Trip availability:

Our custom sport climbing trips to the Eastern Bighorns are available from June to September.

Guide to climber ratio:

All of our custom sport climbing trips have a 1:1 or 1:2 guide to climber ratio.

Trip logistics:

Transportation: Nearby Sheridan, Casper, and Cody WY have airports serviced by Delta and United Airlines.  You can also fly into neighboring Billings, Montana (where flights are often cheaper) and rent a car to drive to the area.

Accommodations:  We recommend staying at either a cabin or bread and breakfast in Sheridan or Buffalo.  You can also car camp at designated USFS campsites in the area.

Meeting location:  You will meet your guide at a designated location depending on the climbing area.

Daily schedule:  We typically will meet at 8am, drive to the climbing location, and finish climbing by 4pm.

Equipment:  Many climbers choose to bring all of their own gear, but we can provide all technical climbing equipment including CAMP helmets, harnesses, and Butora climbing shoes.

Contact us:

Interested in booking a custom sport climbing trip to the Eastern Bighorns with us?  Please send us an email including your name, email address, phone number, climbing experience, in addition to a description of what, where, and when you’d like to climb.

Additional information

Size of party

1, 2

Trip Length

1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days


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